Shadowy Government Organization Based In Mount Rushmore

Jul 18, 2012 20:08

Title: Shadowy Government Organization Based In Mount Rushmore
Characters: Sam Winchester, Phil Coulson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Nick Fury, Tony Stark
Summary: Sam is taken to the headquarters of the shadowy government organization - in Mount Rushmore. Now that he feels more like a secret agent, it's time for him to officially become a ( Read more... )

fanfic, epic crossover is epic, supernatural ate my brain, sam winchester agent of s.h.i.e.l.d., sam winchester wins at life

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Comments 11

EPIC CROSSOVER IS EPIC starfly_ocean July 19 2012, 15:53:46 UTC
Man, I love this crossover! It feels like Sam is moving up a little fast, immediately working with Clint and Natasha, but he IS highly skilled and if he's the first hunter S.H.I.E.L.D. has recruited he would be invaluable.
I love how Sam interacts with the other characters! Especially Tony and Fury. Everyone is very in-character, amazing job! I was literally flailing while I read this. ^-^ Can't wait for more~


Re: EPIC CROSSOVER IS EPIC marziebarz July 19 2012, 17:08:11 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you like it =) I had a lot of fun writing it. I'm glad I'm keeping everyone IC, too, I was worried about Natasha and Fury. More is coming! Slowly, but coming =)


gypsy_atavari July 22 2012, 10:18:47 UTC
Love the crossover. Now if only Dean and John make an appearance. Hehe. :-)


marziebarz July 22 2012, 18:08:27 UTC
They'll both be showing up in the next part, at different time. I'm working on the chapter where Dean shows up right now =) I'm glad you like it!


payperv_iew July 22 2012, 16:13:17 UTC
I love this crossover. Hope you write more soon!


marziebarz July 22 2012, 18:09:35 UTC
I'm writing the next part now, but it's going to be a lot longer so I'm trying to give myself a good head start before starting to post it. I'm glad you like it!


liliaeth July 23 2012, 12:31:23 UTC
awww, now the only thing that would make this better, is if Dean got recruited as well. Though that might just be my own bias*eg*


marziebarz July 23 2012, 16:10:58 UTC
Dean doesn't get explicitly recruited, but he'll show up in the next part and then just kind of stick around. I'm glad you like it!


silmarlfan1 November 20 2012, 01:47:47 UTC
totally love this. where is the next one? I can just about imagine what would happen if Dean or John found out. hheheehhe!


marziebarz November 20 2012, 20:59:35 UTC
I'm glad you like it! The next story does, in fact, deal with Dean and John finding out about Sam's new employment. It's currently still in progress, but I'm hoping to finish it over the Thanksgiving break!


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