Stories are marked with whichever show or film they mainly take part in.
A Promise In the Dark (TOS)
(T) Entry for
zombi_fic_ation's 2013 round. Prompt: 283. Star Trek TOS -- Bones -- "Damn it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a zombie hunter."
USS Elementia (TNG)
(T) For tumblr's
trekbigbang. - While investigating a spacial anomaly, Picard’s Enterprise discovers the USS Elementia, a Federation ship from an alternate time line. Though manned by familiar faces, the the Enterprise soon discovers that the crew of the Elementia are far different from the people they know.
VOY/Battlestar Galactica
Unmarked(T) The readings off the surface aren't promising. Mostly barren and harsh terrain. No power sources. No life outside a meager streak of vegetation around the equator. It's the two crumbling structures and scattered shells of ships that stand out.
The majority of my graphics are posted to my tumblr and the links will direct you there.
Living Witness alt!Janeway quotes Posters:
Commander Janeway VOY/Battlestar Galactica Photosets:
Empty (Borg Queen/Janeway)Year of Hell collage (VOY) Photo-drabbles
Waking Dream - Janeway/Roslin (VOY/Battlestar Galactica)Promotion - Janeway/RoslinOther Side - Janeway/Roslin -