*runs in*
*screeches to a halt*
damn it... no time, no time at all...
so sorry, that without any pics or deeply thought out birthday wishes, but LJ became kind of a luxury right now (and I can't really afford it *hrmph*)
but birthdays are only once a year, so it's a good excuse to stop for a moment this crazy whirlwind of busybusybusy my life
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Comments 6
Hey, great job! What did I tell you? Now, is this the one you were really worried about, or is that an upcoming law test? Either way, I knew you'd do well on your tests, and I still have faith in that.
LOL At your pink shirt. TGIF!
'LOL At your pink shirt'
yeah, I know :D. unfortunately VIPs weren't amused, but I don't care - I wasn't informed earlier that there would be a meeting, so I couldn't dress accordingly *shrugs*
*hugs* ♥
I was just down on my luck, but I always spring back and I appreciate the love and support more than anything. I had a great day.
Thanks so much again.
'I had a great day'
that's really wonderful, I'm happy to hear that :)
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