do you stick pictures into an entry that is in your scrapbook dealie? I'm trying to play with this thing and have no idea what I'm doin. Thanks for any help.
It should pop some javascript thingy up, and choose the gallery by double-clicking the name.
Set the security however you like it. Browse for the file, pick it out, and hit Upload Go back here, click the name of your gallery, on the left is a link that says Pictures, go there and you can mess with them and post them to your journal.
Comments 4
Create a new gallery.
Upload into: Choose Gallery
It should pop some javascript thingy up, and choose the gallery by double-clicking the name.
Set the security however you like it.
Browse for the file, pick it out, and hit Upload
Go back here, click the name of your gallery, on the left is a link that says Pictures, go there and you can mess with them and post them to your journal.
Lucky you... I'm stuck here installing Ubuntu Linux and waiting for other stuff.
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