Title: Deathgod for Cutie Part 1 Pairing: ???? Rating: pg-13 Author's note: Hey everyone I thought I'd try to write for 25 days. This means I might post a long entry or a very short one depending on how busy I get. My hope is to get all the silly fic ideas I've had stored away but never wrote out and maybe it will help me to build up stamina for a
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Title: Come Sail Away Pairing: Sakuraiba Rating: R Summary: Sho is a new sailor recruit, Aiba teaches him the ropes. Based on this episode of Arashi ni Shiyagare. Quick Beta by umitsubame thanks!
Title: The importance of Balls. Pairing: Sho/Jun Rating: Pg-13 Note(s): umitsubame gave me a 3 word prompt which included, balls, purple, and confetti. The following is the result and entirely her fault!
Title Pairing: Sakuraiba Genre: AU, distopian? Social class struggles, Human trafficking Note: This dark ficlet spawned from a drabble game with umitsubame we had to use the words playground, slaphappy, bespelled.