Today I joined a writer's group that's hella far away, but still worth it because good writer's groups are hard to find. Hopefully, I'll be able to get a couple of people to critique my shot story before I send it off.
We were sharing questions to ask our characters, and I thought
-- A/S/L?
-- Give a full description of yourself, including what you are wearing. If you have jewelry, what does it mean and where did you get it? If you have scars, what (if anything) do they mean and where did you get them?
--What are your parents names/occupations/personalities?
-- You have a sword, and you are trapped in a room with your king, your priest, the one you love, and your parent. Which of the five people in the room is the most powerful?
--What are you most deathly afraid of?
-- What do you think happens when you die?
--What do you associate with the words 'love' 'soul' and 'yesterday'?
--If you were to write your own obituary, what would you want it to say?
--Who has had the most influence in your life?
--What is your preferred mode of transport?
--What is your favorite music?
-- What bugs you more than anything else?
-- If your friends were to describe you in 1-5 words, what would they say?
--What is your favorite thing to do?
--Where do you want to be in five years?
--If you could change where you live, where would you go and why don't you move there now?
--If you did move, what would you miss?
--What does success mean to you?
--What are your assets? (Money, land, great tits, etc.)
--What is your favorite food?
--What animal, vegetable or mineral do you most resemble?
--What is the most evil thing a human being is capable of?
--If you were in a disaster, how would you react?
--What would you die for?
Great way to kick start some OCs.