Pirrip and I were driving up to the school in my Rabbit, and if I haven't mentioned this... let me mention it, now. Memorial Drive is probably the worst road on which I have ever driven><. Before today, I have encountered people running across the road in full speed traffic every single time I've driven there. They don't care to go anywhere near one of the cross walks or even wait for a red light. They just run across the road!
Two dogs dead in the road-one was a little puppy, and one was a very pretty chow. It was so sad...
One man with a shopping cart in the right turn lane on which I have to... turn right.
One woman walking towards me in that same right turn lane with a BABY CARRIAGE.
One very old man in a Hoverround... You know, one of those motorised wheelchairs... in the street as though he were driving a car rather than a very quick and powerful wheelchair. He also nearly hit my car.
I thought it was pretty bad when someone tried to run me off the road to get in my lane or when cars in general broke the speed limit shamefully in order to over take me.
But today><... Well, we were on our way to our now former school to pick up our summer grades to take to our new school. We were at the turn lane to get off of Memorial Drive, and I was about to turn right. I saw that the cars across the intersection must have had a green arrow to turn left, because they started turning left, and I stopped to let them go.
Just as I started to turn again, we hear screeching tires coming from behind us. A car was speeding down the wrong lane toward the intersection, and within a few seconds, sped in front of my car-right where I would have been turning. I mean, it happened so quickly that it really would have hit me if I hadn't stopped just in time.
It came to a halt still in the wrong lane in front of me, nose to nose with another car, barely avoiding hitting that car as well. The passenger in the offending car looked like she had hit her head on the dash and had been injured by it. It was quite off putting, and we left the 'scene' as soon as we could.
That car was going so fast that if it had hit us, I think I probably would have been in pretty bad shape considering it would have been my side of the car that was hit><.
Alas, you still have Masao around for nowXD. .