I looted the Axe of Laughing, the Amulet of Elliotreference, the Shield of Mangoes, the Sceptre of Crazy Chris, the Dagger of Holding Hands, the Armour of Daughterboy, the Wand of Writing, the Dagger of Ithinkiamfree, a Figurine of Milkdoll, the Wand of Smoothietang, the Wand of Nezmet, the Wand of Secrets, the Amulet of Paper Journals and 91 gold pieces.
I killed Brightasyellow the medibot, Smoothietang the maintenance droid, Jckiv the cleaning droid, Mentira the maintenance droid, Dgafhooligan the tribble, 3circledsun the cargobot, Kellyx21 the medibot, Slaveofthestars the medibot, Suckerpunched the medibot, Kill Me Twice the tribble, Ultra Boy the nutrivend drinks machine, Ambassador Easilychanged, Myhopeless Star the nutrivend drinks machine and Behind My Back the tribble.
I salvaged a Straightjacket- screwdriver, an SPIFFYMUNKEE-80 phaser, Alexyerks's commbadge, an STELLADIEVE-190 phaser, a PAPER-JOURNALS-30 plasma rifle, the Log of the USS Mr Left, the Log of the USS Lbf Buzz, Dontfadeaway's commbadge, Nostalgicme's commbadge, the Log of the USS Softmistake, a Smorewhore screwdriver, a Blue-Typhoons screwdriver, a Krazieeckoian deathblade and 168 galacticredits.
Score: 473 Explore Outpost Mascara Fiend and try to beat this score, or enter your username to generate and explore your own space adventure...
Comments 8
I escaped from the Dungeon of Mascara Fiend!
I killed Eyeslikeyours the owlbear.
I looted the Axe of Laughing, the Amulet of Elliotreference, the Shield of Mangoes, the Sceptre of Crazy Chris, the Dagger of Holding Hands, the Armour of Daughterboy, the Wand of Writing, the Dagger of Ithinkiamfree, a Figurine of Milkdoll, the Wand of Smoothietang, the Wand of Nezmet, the Wand of Secrets, the Amulet of Paper Journals and 91 gold pieces.
Score: 216
Explore the Dungeon of Mascara Fiend and try to beat this score,
or enter your username to generate and explore your own dungeon...
I escaped from Outpost Mascara Fiend!
I killed Brightasyellow the medibot, Smoothietang the maintenance droid, Jckiv the cleaning droid, Mentira the maintenance droid, Dgafhooligan the tribble, 3circledsun the cargobot, Kellyx21 the medibot, Slaveofthestars the medibot, Suckerpunched the medibot, Kill Me Twice the tribble, Ultra Boy the nutrivend drinks machine, Ambassador Easilychanged, Myhopeless Star the nutrivend drinks machine and Behind My Back the tribble.
I salvaged a Straightjacket- screwdriver, an SPIFFYMUNKEE-80 phaser, Alexyerks's commbadge, an STELLADIEVE-190 phaser, a PAPER-JOURNALS-30 plasma rifle, the Log of the USS Mr Left, the Log of the USS Lbf Buzz, Dontfadeaway's commbadge, Nostalgicme's commbadge, the Log of the USS Softmistake, a Smorewhore screwdriver, a Blue-Typhoons screwdriver, a Krazieeckoian deathblade and 168 galacticredits.
Score: 473
Explore Outpost Mascara Fiend and try to beat this score,
or enter your username to generate and explore your own space adventure...
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