Summary: Dembe takes the night off leaving Liz in charge.
The Usual Suspects
“Don't let him drive. He won't admit to it, but his night vision is getting terrible. It's your call, but I don't let him ride in the front with me. He's a bad enough backseat driver when he's in the backseat.”
Dembe handed her the keys to the Mercedes and continued with his instructions. “He hasn't eaten yet. You'll need to feed him before you bring him to the safe house. If he tries to order an espresso after dinner, don't let him. He'll never go to sleep. If he insists, get them to change it out for decaf without telling him.”
Dembe hesitated. “Are you sure you don't mind?”
Liz laughed and put her hand on the swell of her abdomen. “From the sounds of it, this will be good practice.”
Dembe handed her a burner phone. “I will have his phone. You hold this one. If someone calls and I feel they really need to reach him, I will give them this number. Don't let him hold it between calls.”
Liz raised an eyebrow, but she didn't ask.
“The speed dial has been pre-programmed. Don't hesitate to call me. I'm #2 on the speed dial.”
“Only #2?” Liz teased. “Who is #1?”
“Mr. Kaplan.”
“Of course. How silly of me.”
“Dial #1 if it is a regular emergency, but if it's a medical emergency -”
“- *77.” Liz supplied. “You do realize that Reddington and I were alone together on the run for months. I think I can handle babysitting him for one night.”
“That was different. He was on a mission. He had a purpose. A focus. He can get into a bit of trouble left to his own devices.”
“I've got this.” Liz assured Dembe.
“Thank you, Elizabeth.”
Liz couldn't resist. “What's her name?”
Dembe played dumb. “Who's name?”
“Your hot Tuesday night date?”
“It's not a date.” Dembe corrected her.
“I see … Is your not-a-date with a woman?” Liz teased.
Joining them, Reddington answered for him. “Of course it's a woman. Why else would Dembe be abandoning me? What ever happened to bros before -”
His face quite stern, Dembe didn't let Reddington finish his not very nice limerick. “She's not a -”
Reddington interrupted him so that Dembe didn't have to say the word either.
“- Ah ha! But you do admit that it is a she! What is her name and does she have a friend for me?”
“I'm not telling you and weren't you the one that said I needed to find a better work/life balance?”
“That I did.” Reddington admitted. “Go and have your fun.”
Dembe put his arms on Reddington's shoulders. “Be safe, my brother.”
Turning to Elizabeth, he added. “Both of you, be safe and Elizabeth … don't let him talk you into anything.”
“I won't.” Liz assured him.
“Feed him and then straight to the safe house.”
Liz mock saluted. “Aye aye, Captain.”
Dembe hesitated.
Liz scolded him. “Would you just go?! What's the worst that can happen? I can handle Raymond Reddington for one evening!”
Liz and Reddington both watched Dembe until the doors of the Post Office elevator closed.
“Well Lizzie, I don't know about you, but I am famished! What do you say we hit up the dinner on the way to the safe house?”