I realize it is about time for my monthly lj update. . .
I actually have an excuse though for not updating lately. When I first moved in, I had free wireless internet provided by a charitable (or naive) neighbor. However, in the last few weeks that free internet connection is gone. I now have no internet at home. No internet, no phone, no TV, no
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Comments 2
2) Letter to Families (JPII, 1994/5?) (February 2nd)
3) Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage, Pontifical Council for the Family, 1996.
4) Familiaris Consortio, (JPII, 1981)
5) The Truth And Meaning of Human Sexuality, Pontifical Council for the Family, 1995.
6) Theology of the Body, (B) (JPII. 1978-84)
7) The Jewellers’ Shop, (B) Karol Wyotyla, (A play & meditation on marriage)
8) Love and Responsibility, (B) (JPII, this is more philosophical)
9) Humanae Vitae, (Pope Paul VI, 25th July 1668)
10) Veritatis Splendor, (August 6th 1993)
11) The Gospel of Life, JPII, 1995)
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