Sorry I haven't updated for so long! It's really bad. Anyway rather than try and explain what I've been doing for the last however many months I'll just talk about the sort of
I've met up with a group of friends I knew separately for ages but I never knew they were a big group of friends till now which is odd, and quite lucky. We've been hanging out together for about a week or two now, and I went camping by the river with them a few days ago. Anyway I was sitting at home yesterday feeling depressed because I wanted to go out and see my friends and all of them were busy, anyway Iolo (yes that is spelt right) phoned me up and asked me if I wanted to come to Theo's house. I said yes, and asked if I needed to bring anything he said 'sleeping bag.' So after chatting to my mum. 'Mum can I stay at Theo's?' 'Who's Theo?' 'My friend' 'Who else is there?' 'Kirin, Iolo, Theo, Jon (not Chocolate Jon) Tabs, Adam, Darren and Kathleen.' 'So there is going to be girls there?' 'Yes mum!' *sigh*. Anyway, she let me.
Knowing that my friends are the outdoors type I brought my leatherman (multitool knife thingy) boots, huge coat, torch etc. Iolo had said something to me about there being a sauna, and I knew that Theo's house was big (I'd seen it from the outside once) I assumed he had his own indoor sauna from this remark, but I didn't think to bring anything for the sauna.
I got there and some of my friends were there and some were still arriving, Iolo cycled to Thershers (and even though he was 18 the bloke serving was about to ask for ID until he saw Iolo's 'I'm 18' badge on his coat, and then didn't ask! Rural ID hey?) So we stocked up with beer, cider -eww, whiskey etc, and some people brought something to smoke.
We weren't expecting a party (there was only nine of us) but we built a big fire and sat around it outside as people played diges, drums, and guitar whilst Iolo did some fire staff. So we all sat around drinking and chatting and I was getting to know some people I hadn't met before. Everyone was really friendly and although they all knew each other for years I didn't feel excluded at any point.
Then there was the sauna. The sauna had been build by Iolo and Theo the day before. It was so good! It was a 'bender' (heh heh) which was made out of either hazel or maple I can't remember which. About 15 poles of wood which they had cut down from the woods made this small dome. It was covered in a canvas, some duvets and some more canvas. Inside there was a big pot of water and a wood burner with a very well botched chimney, which didn't leak at all (chicken wire and tinfoil). There was a small flap of canvas to crawl under to get it. I was impressed with its strength, as it was tied together with string and yet two people could sit on it! Inside there was one candle, which provided the light, and there was enough room for three people to sit/lie comfortably with the wood burner as well. We could have had more in but it was so hot we didn't want anyone to touch the burner by accident as it was *very* hot and metal.
After a bit of shyness from the girls - 'Can I have a towel to wrap around myself??' (I wasn't shy) the girls all went down to underwear (with me thinking Shit! What a bad day to wear *black* pants and *white* bra) and wrapped up in towels (which in the end were just used to sit on) for a sauna.
It was so nice! It was really really hot, so much so that we had to lie on the floor to breathe. No one could believe how much we were sweating, and as it was very hot the first time we were only in for about 15 minutes. It was weird coming outside wearing very little at around 1am and *not* being cold. After the first round of sauna's everyone was really relaxed and chilled out. Theo brought his speakers to this kind of shed/small garage and we all listed to this weird music and everyone was dancing and jumping about a *lot*. It was really funny as everyone was mucking around and looked so stupid but no one cared.
The (rather small) party continued into the night and I went inside with Jon and Tabs at around 3am for some food and a smoke. After Jon found out the bad way that yes my leather man is f**kin sharp, and no you shouldn't try and use the knife upside down. So I went outside to ask Theo were he had plasters to be greeted with the site of three of my males friends climbing steaming hot out of the sauna which had been on for the last hour with them all in it. They were all wearing boxers and being sprayed down with the *freezing* cold hose. I wimped out of being hosed but then I hadn't just had a sauna.
We stayed up till around 4:30am went we all went to bed and Darren went home.
It was most amusing Darren seemed like the kind of bloke who would always be boasting about his stuff (I found I was very wrong about this) and when I said 'Nice Moped, how fast does it go?' The way he replied when he said '30mph, 32 if there's a wind' was just *so* funny. Although to be fair I was quite mashed at the time.
It was a good send off for going back to collage (which starts on Wendensday) and it was great to see my friends. It prolly the last time we will all be together for a while as everyone goes to collage all over the west of England.
Anyways I had a great time and it was quite a lot better than it sounds in this rather hurried LJ entry.