It was my birthday I had a party and I went out.
It was my birthday on Friday, I got lots of books and cool prezzies as well as a laptop which I had got earlier as a prezzie. *yay*
I was trying to work out if I wanted to go out to bath festival or stay in and work. Then I though I'm not going to be doing that much work staying in feeling miserable cos my friends were all out partying. It was their last day at school so most of them were *really* partying.
I went out for a steak and chips with my parents which was really nice. MMMMM steak... /drools
It was raining by now and my parents dropped my off in Bath to go to the festival. I phoned my friend to try and meet up with her, and after lots of conversations which were a little like 'Where are you????'
'Meet me by the 5 trees....'
I'm sorry but 'the five trees' is the stupidest place to meet people in a woody area!!!!!!!!!
Eventually I met up with my friends and all of them were there. It was really weird seeing friends from like 3 years ago but I never really liked much of them anyway. These are the friends from a few years back, from my old, old, old, school.
I was somewhat distressed when one of my friends said 'I've dropped an E!!' as he is like on of my best friends ever who I don't see much of. I basically said 'Drink lots of water and *no* alcohol cos my friends friend drunk alcohol with E and their brain swelled up and got crushed by their skull.' I didn't have a go at him cos its his life, I just wanted him to be ok.
I then met up with my good friends and we had a great time. Although one of my friends Sam was getting a little happy. He was like 'I love everyone....' hugging and shouting praise at everyone. It was when he started 'pulling' (I'm using 'these' things cos I really don't like that word!!!) lots of girls of his whom where all friends that I started to back off.
He came to hug me and I said 'Don't kiss me Sam' and he said 'No I won't, your my friend!' and then Soph (someone he had just 'pulled') said 'And what am I?! Casual pulling partner!!' Which was amusing.
We left Bath festival at around 11 and went to catch a train to The Pig which is a club in Trowbridge. I didn't know we were going there and was wearing my DM's which aren't the best things to dance in!!!!
We went there and by this time there was a group of around 15 - 20 of us. We all got in no problem except one guy called Ob’s, which was a shame. I'd never been there before but I'd heard about it. It was quite grotty in a nice way inside. It played (from its own description) Punk/Rock/Indie/Hip Hop although it mainly seemed punk and rock that night which was good. I really enjoyed myself and danced solidly for around 3 hours until it shut.
I got a taxi back with three friends, one who was staying at my house, and one who lived around the corner. We got home around 3:45ish and went straight to bed.
The next day I got up and Soph (my friend who stayed) left. I kinda lazed around for a bit getting ready for my party. The night before quit a few of my friends had said they won't be able to make it and I was getting paranoid they won't come. From an earlier conversation with Jon I had formed the wrong impression he was at LAN in Reading. Actually he was at a LAN at Bath Uni which is about 10 mins drive from my house. So I thought that he wasn't coming.
My dad and I set up the large downstairs room and brought the hi-fi down.
I was sitting around thinking about moving the food and drink downstairs when I got a phone call. Jon phoned me to ask 'Did I want my other birthday prezzie?' and if so I should go to the front door. I went and saw Jon standing there. This was quite a surprise for two reasons.
1. I got the impression he was in Reading.
2. He hasn't visited my house since last May.
Anyway much hugs and a prezzie later I cooked him so food and we chatted for a while.
I started to feel ill after giving myself a very large piece of meringue strawberry and cream cake Jon was going back to the LAN. Then Pog and Elly arrived!
Around half and hour later a whole bunch of girls arrived and the party started from there. I got out food and drinks and more and more people arrived.
Three people had to leave at 9:30 as they were babysitting, and more people kept arriving until around midnight.
I was somewhat surprised that my friend Kirin who had never been to my house before - and its bastard to find had cycled from bradford-on-avon, I had given him rough directions i.e 'Get off at the first bridge after the pub and got up a field.' He managed to find his way to mine by following the sound. heh he
I had a really good time and around 20-25 people came and 13ish stayed over, and there was plenty of space for everyone. Jon turned up and midnight and chose to stay YAY! Which was also good, I think he was somewhat surprise at meeting all my friends at once but I think he had a good time anyway. Most people were drunk/stoned, no one cried, hurt themselves, or were sick. So that was good.
We had flares burning into the night some trampoline, fire jugging, dancing, loud music and lots of happy people. I finally went to bed around 3:30ish and slept as it was starting to get light, kept awake by snoring and other things.
I few people came into my room in the morning to say hi and bye as they had work/rugby/revision/piss off parents to attend to but around 8 people stayed to help clear up which way brilliant. It was really really messy downstairs but fairly tidy everywhere else. The mess was confined to one room, and then mud everywhere else. I packed people off with hovers, mops, dustpan and brush, recycling crates, and bin bags. By the time my parents came home it was tidier than when it started which was surprising and good.
Jon gave Pog, and Elly a lift back to Bath, and the remaining people were given lifts back by my Mum. (Mum, Dad, and Gran having all gone out for the night or the party and taken the dogs.)
By now I felt kinda ill and spent most of the day feeling sick with a headache falling in and of sleep. I did some preparation for my oral exam which accounted for 20% of my final mark which was today (Monday).
On Monday morning I woke up feeling very ill but went to collage (a different collage not mine) to do my talk. I was first on and far too ill to be nervous. However I think I did quite well although would have done better had I been feeling better. I went to my two English lessons, and one physics lesson even though the teachers gave the impression they would rather I was at home in bed. It was only three hours.
When I got home I wondered why I was ill, and thought about what I had eaten.
It was:
One bowl of wheetos
Half a bowl of Muesli
Steak and Chips
Half a bowl of pasta.
You might think this is a lot for one day, but this is what I had eaten on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, *and* Monday put together!!!
I felt as though I would throw up and food I ate but thought about what I was craving and forced myself to eat:
1 tin of sweetcorn
1 tortilla with bacon and cheese.
I very quickly felt a lot better. I'm not feeling 100% yet but I am feeling a bit better. I don't have any lessons tomorrow, and an English Lit exam on Wednesday. So I'm doing ok.
Had good weekend though. *Grin*