RL and Prison Break Related Things

Sep 01, 2014 13:12

The first week of a new semester is always hectic, but even more so this semester because this is the last time that the whole level is going to see each other until... graduation probably. So last week was full of social things, some I wanted to go to, others that I didn't really want to go to but felt obligated to go to anyways. There were also ( Read more... )

actor: william fichtner, rl, actor: wentworth miller, actor: kim coates, fandom: prison break, convention, actor: sarah wayne callies

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Comments 8

chomaisky September 2 2014, 01:34:18 UTC
It'd be awesome if we could see a female version of DMC3 Dante!!!


mashimero September 2 2014, 01:49:31 UTC
I have the costume planned out so perfectly in my head and everything, but I'm not the kind of person who likes buying their costumes (not that I look down on people who do, it's just that I like the creative aspect of cosplay as well as the actual dressing up part), so it's probably not gonna happen >.<


chomaisky September 2 2014, 01:54:21 UTC
When you have time and money you can make the costumes yourself :)


mashimero September 2 2014, 02:00:55 UTC
It's not so much the time/money, because I don't have a problem taking years to finish a costume if I need to. It's the skill and technical parts that I don't think I'd be able to learn. I'm pretty terrible at sewing, and so far all of my costumes have been more construction types, or could be made by slightly editing regular clothes/thrift store stuff. I had hoped I'd be able to buy like, a regular red faux leather bomber type jacket, and somehow clip on extensions to make it trench-coat length, but I don't think I'd be able to hem even a straight piece of vinyl/faux leather >.<


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