Big spoiler warning for the episode, and possible spoilers/speculation based on the comics for future episodes.
I thought this episode was not as good as the previous ones, because it felt a bit too packed. It's odd because there are SO many little parts that I liked, but as a whole it felt a bit messy. Maybe I'd feel differently on a re-watch.
The VFX took a serious hit in quality this episode. Some parts, like Barry saving people from the train, were still great. But others, like the
car sliding down the road was LOLtastic (that scene is also hilarious to me because Wentworth is standing in front of a theatre downtown, but he's shooting at the car which is at a college probably 30 minutes away by car). The other ice effects were better though. And even the cheesy "ice over the screen" effect kind of worked, in context.
Favourite part (not counting Captain Cold's parts, which I'll get to later): the conflict between Wells and Cisco. I think Carlos Valdes really nailed that scene, which surprised me, because so far Cisco's been pretty much just comic relief. But I really sensed the strength of their relationship in that scene. Very mentor-like, almost father-and-son like even, with how ashamed Cisco looks. And it's nice to see hints of the "real" Wells coming out. I kind of hope that Cisco will be the first one to notice Wells's weirdness, because I think that could make for some really interesting scenes.
Caitlin. I normally don't like characters who are wound up so tight and anxious, but somehow, the way Danielle Panabaker plays it, I can sympathize. I quite enjoy watching her.
The Joe vs Eddie conversation in the car was hilarious. Although really Eddie, why would you think your girlfriend's dad wants to hear about your love life?!
Eddie did look super-adorably confused when he failed at trivia night, but I'm still waiting to see Eddie/Iris crash and burn, because I'm like 75% sure he's going to be Reverse Flash. And I think they are hinting that there could be trouble in paradise with Iris saying that Eddie didn't want to do stuff with her.
And speaking of Iris, this show moves really fast... except when it comes to her. I'd love to see her develop more as a journalist, instead of being just the love interest/convenient advice-giver.
I shipped Barry/Felicity hard on Arrow, but for some reason, don't ship them as much on The Flash. Although Felicity still has 10000x more chemistry with Barry than she does with Oliver, IMO. Their dynamic in this episode just seemed a bit more friendly/fun platonic. And it was refreshing to see them address their chemistry/attraction at the end, but (IMO) shoot it down. That kiss definitely felt like a goodbye kiss to me. It was sweet though.
I love the references to Lisa (and possibly Golden Glider?), Dexter Myles, and Keystone City!
Captain Cold and Heat Wave squee
They really stayed true to the character's origins, bringing in the Rogues's code, and even Snart's grandfather and sister (although that part felt a little shoved in there to me). And Wentworth was just perfect for the role, because his flat delivery actually works for Snart. Although, I do wonder if they might've made Snart a little too intellectual? Especially with the counting down the seconds part, it reminded me a bit of the Clock King, who we'll be seeing in episode 8. I wonder if we'll get a mention that Snart picked up some tricks from Tockman?
On to the fun stuff:
gun fondling-
I can't get over how loooong his legs look in those jeans-
I liked his delivery on the "Have fun with that!" line. And actually, the whole exchange on the train was full of awesomely cocky Snart.- BEST FACE: THAT SMIRK WHEN HE FIRST HEARS "CAPTAIN COLD". You can just see he's thinking, "yeah, I like that name"
SURPRISE!HEAT WAVE ZOMGGGGGG. AND EVEN BETTER: SURPRISE!DOMINIC VOICE! I wasn't 100% sure if it was his voice or not at first, but
Kreisberg confirmed it!
- there's a part in the episode where Barry and Felicity pine over their respective unrequited loves, and Barry says "I guess what they say is true: opposites do attract". Then the official show account
tweeted, "You know what they say, opposites attract...even evil ones". And I just. OMGGGGGGG. <3_____<3
RPF shippy things
There are a bunch of interviews/videos of Wentworth out from the set media day a few weeks back. They're all more or less the same, but my favourite is
this one from The Hollywood Reporter. In it, Wentworth has this to say about Dominic Purcell and Heat Wave:
As soon as they described the character to me I thought of Dom. "Unpredictable, force-of-nature, a little rough-and-tumble...." But I never dreamed it would actually come together. And I'm so glad it did. As men, we couldn't be more different. But he gets me and I get him. And that's true of our characters as well. What I would have had to generate from nothing with another actor - history, intimacy - Dom and I already had the moment they yelled "action."
Don't mind me, I am just gonna sit here and think about Wentworth referring to "intimacy" and "Dom" in the same sentence *_____*
Wentworth also posted a few pictures from Vancouver on his FB (although sadly none of Dom), and I am just imagining the two of them walking around the West End, and I just... yeeeaaaahhh.
It's weird, because at first I didn't really ship them, but now I do. And despite the fact that I've been reading and drawing J2 RPF for ever and never felt squicky about it, trying to actually write RPF? Yeah, apparently that's a big squick for me. IDK why.
Nail art!
Inspired by Captain Cold's original costume. I'm so glad I decided to take the picture in the morning, because at school I ended up getting a massive paper cut on the tip of my finger, going down to where the side of my nail meets the finger, and OW. I hate getting any sort of cuts on the fingers, because they're such a pain to bandage, but this one's damn near impossible!