All right, we have two separate challenges this time: the regular icon challenge and the header challenge.
Icon Challenge 12
This challenge features images from the season 7 episode Major Ego. There are five screencaps, and you can submit up to three icons. Blending is allowed, but you may not use a screencap more than once. Submit your icons as a comment to this post, url and img src please. Deadline: see below.
all screencaps from
mashscreencaps Header Challenge
For this challenge, your job is to create up to three headers for this community's journal.
I'm leaving it completely open as to what images you use, whether they be screencaps, promo stills, publicity shots of the actors...anything as long as it's M*A*S*H-related. I'm also leaving the size up to you - but let's keep it 700x400 or smaller.
Searching for images: I have the first 11 episodes of season 3
screencapped here (200-300 caps per episode). There are also some caps from most (all?) seasons
here (read-only password is mashcaps), and five episodes from season 4
here. You can certainly use images from other places, too. M*A*S*H websites often have cast photos and photos of the characters/actors. A google image search should help, too.
The only thing that must be on the headers: Somewhere you must include the text 'mashstillness: an icontest community' (or something to that effect; basically it should identify this community). Submit your headers as a comment to this post, as usual.
Deadline for both challenges: Since there are two challenges (and since I'll be out of town next week), you get two weeks for both challenges. Entries for both will be accepted until Wednesday, July 19, at 3:30 pm.
Have fun! Any questions, put them in a comment to this post (preferably a different comment than you submit challenge entries so I can unscreen it).
Icon entry count: 22
Header entry count: 04