Title: Pomade and Hairspray Warnings: Spoilers for T&T Case 1 Rating: R Characters: Mia and Phoenix Time Period: Just after the end of T&T Case 1 Words: Just over 4500
Heh, I don't see all that much Phoenix/Mia (or maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places XD;). Both the pics and fic were awesome. :D I especially liked the one with Mia going "Objection!" while straddling him. XDXD
I heartily approve of Mia jumping Feenie, with drinking and objecting and sweater-killery involved! (And Diego using Axe amuses me. I could so see him in one of those commercials where gorgeous women attack him. XD)
Oh, man. I love this so much. The world needs more Mia/Phoenix. After playing through the first case, I really really wanted to read some as well. Your fic and pictures were both really adorable.
:) Thank you very much. I'm not sure how much more I'll feel able to write, what with her being dead and all. I would feel weird if I wrote one of her after she died, where she used someone else's body. I may write some more from before she did.
Comments 14
It was a good fic, too. ^_^ Definately a fun read first thing in the morning!
I liked the pictures with it too ^^
Honestly, this was very interesting to read before work. I wish you had more I could read. Great job!
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