Title: A Disaster Beyond His Imagination
crysania4Canon: Leroux/Kay
Pairing(s): Erik/Christine
Rating: G
Summary: Erik attempts to work out his writer's block
Warnings (if any): None
Total word count: 4827
Original prompt request number: 35
Author's/artist's notes (if any): Some of the things Erik goes through here to get through his "
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Comments 2
Thank you.
That is simply amazing. So much more than I was looking for. The imagery is engrossing and beautiful, and very inspirational. I love Erik arguing with himself (for the lack of other company, he no doubt would more than a normal person).
Even with its length, I flew through it effortlessly (which is wonderful as I have a visual condition that makes reading more difficult. Thank you for breaking up the paragraphs so nicely too.) The storyline was perfect, enough strife, poignant resolution and an ending that left me delightfully content yet still curiously wanting more tales of Erik and his muse.
I deeply appreciate the effort that went into this. I hope that when the author is revealed, I might ask your permission to illustrate some of it. I couldn't help but be inspired by your splendid imagery.
Stupid LJ logging me out when I'm trying to comment. So sorry. But I really do love it. Thank you.
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