So, here I am, just crying about the situation I'm in and how I've reached it. I constantly feel like like I fail at anything new I try, so why do I keep getting weepy when I'm right?
Recently, I applied for a job at a company my mother works for. It's a good position, something that I have all of the necessary skillsets for, and which I've been proven to do well in. I go in for an interview, was told that I nailed it, went for a second one, was told I did well there, then heard nothing back for three weeks. Today, my mother was informed that actually neither interview went well and that it didn't look like I'd be getting that job. So, after making me miss three separate work days and not giving me any information for three weeks and just keeping my hopes up FOR NO FUCKING REASON THEY STILL DON'T TELL ME THAT I DON'T GET THE JOB. Evidently, their problem was that when asked point blank, I said that some of my current co-workers are less than stellar at their jobs. And that one of them was out and out terrible. I have been informed that this was the wrong thing to say, and have had it successfully explained to me as to why, so my problem isn't that I didn't get the job. It's that they then told me that the interview went well, scheduled me for another, and continued WASTING MY TIME AND MONEY.
And getting my hopes up again.