When asleep

Aug 22, 2008 23:18

I had a most interesting dream last night, so much so that I tried to go back to sleep after the alarm went off to be able to let/make it continue.

The dream started with B. and me eating breakfast in a hotel lobby. There was a couple at the table next to us who were having an interesting conversation, so I tried to listen in. They looked familiar, but I couldn't place either of them. As I tried to continue my conversation with B., I notice the couple's conversation turning more toward a verbal fight, piquing my curiosity more.

I noticed that more people were joining the table next to us, including Katie Holmes with daughter Suri. I suspected that Tom Cruise was also in the ever widening circle, but I thought it rude to look behind me to confirm it.

Suddenly, the group beside us got up to leave. B. was so excited about sitting next to famous people, nearly all of whom I didn't recognize, that he wanted to follow them to see where they were headed. Alas, our car was parked in the opposite parking lot from where the famous people headed.

We rushed to the car & B. got into the back seat and buckled up. It was then that we realized that we were only two people, but our car seated 4. We couldn't go chasing after entertainers without having a full complement of people in the car! We needed to find two more people who wanted to carpool with us. Fortunately, there was a woman walking toward us who indicated she needed a ride. We only needed one more person. I headed back into the lobby to convince one more person to join us.

When I got inside, I was surprised to see that the entertainers had not all left. There were a few left, and they were trying to strangle someone in the kitchen off the lobby using bright blue plastic wrap! A woman with long dark hair was looking on in horror. A realization struck me - the entertainers were really zombies! The rest of the group must be stopped before they could harm anyone else! Carpool be d*amned! I ran back out to the car, got in, and drove off in pursuit of the rest of the group.

We next found ourselves in the audience at a concert. A woman was up on stage, and the group of entertainers was closing in on her, while Duran Duran music played in the background. Just as the zombie entertainers were closing in, the song changed to a new section. The zombies immediately fell into a formation, and stepped/danced away in unison, singing all the while.

It was then that the alarm went off. Were the entertainers really murderous zombies? Did I misunderstand what I saw in the hotel lobby? Will they try to kill the soloist when the music changes? I may never know.

I may also never figure out what song was playing either. As soon as I woke up, the tune left my mind. Now I can't even try humming it in hopes that someone else will recognize it, all the while cursing that what I'm humming doesn't sound at all like the tune I have in my mind.


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