All right I got some basic knowledge of this place. But if I'm going to figure exactly why I am here. I'm going to need some more questions answered. Like who or what are Avatars in this place and what exactly happened to the sun? Those are some good questions to start with since I've learned the name of this place.
I've made it my purpose to
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Comments 21
According to my companion, the sun was destroyed because of divine punishment for a great sin, and will return eventually once the sin is cleansed. Heh, as though any sin can be so.
Does that help?
[ooc; Strikeouts only visible to Batman :D ]
Have you been in this place long?
[ooc: strikeout visible to Cain only.]
Yes. Since we all awoke here. It's strange.. but has become somewhat of a home.
And you are supposed to be..
Where I'm from I'm known as Batman. And you are?
Introductions first, I am Isaak, the Avatar of Enlightenment.
The Avatar of Justice, our missing leader, is held by Raito Yagami. The duty of being the Avatar of Trials is given to Doctor Jackal. The Avatar of Lust is Professor Hojo, interesting fellow, that. Our beloved Avatar of Order is Robo-Ky, he has been keeping a low profile as well.
Currently the Avatar of Punishment, Lord Sephiroth, is assumed dead by whoever destroyed the sun. A mere hypothesis, of course. His friend, Vincent Valentine, is the Avatar of Warning. Lord Darcia and the god Hades are the Avatars of Purgation and Imprisonment respectively. Finally, the newest Avatar, the one of Phobia, is one Doctor Crane.
I hope my list was detailed enough.
I too, am an Avatar. But I cannot agree to the harming of innocents the way his actions caused.
.. You are?
For the time being, I'm Batman. And which Avatar are you?
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