My aunt went to court today, accompanied by my mother. My uncle now has 14 days jailtime, followed by a 3-year EPO. Which means he can't have any contact with her or the kids, no phone calls, no passed-on messages, not even b-day cards. After three years, we'll just have to see. The kids will be between the ages of 3 and 16 then...and it's weird to
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Comments 6
Yeah, I'd imagine your aunt would be taking it the hardest right now. I'll keep praying for her, and the kids. Thanks for keeping us informed. :)
I'm glad to hear you're thinking so much, especially about philosophical stuff. Not many know what they think about life. It's frustrating to me, sometimes. I've thought and still think about things a lot... Of course, mine isn't out of boredom, lol. XD
Hm... about the lyrics bit there... this is why all my poems/writings/etc. are heavily comprised of metaphors and subtle references and implications. I almost never say anything right out, and people have yet to really uncover all my layers in my writing. ;)
OOTP... hm, not my favorite HP movie. The best part is Luna, though. :D And Bellatrix. I adore both those actresses especially in those roles... ^^
Haha, never take a psychology class, then... you perform all the tests on yourself and find out Myers-Briggs, etc... I personally loved it, but *shrugs* I'm a weird fishy.
I didn't like Harry's hair, either. And of course, I adored Luna. :) And her awesome Ravenclawness.
I miss the first Dumbledore too.. I get all nostalgic when I watch the first two ones... :'(
Hm, re: your throat... I assume you are drinking only water, yes? If not, then do. And I assume you are not eating foods with a high acid content, yes? If so, stop. As well, watch how you use your voice while it is sore, but I am sure you've thought of that. Also, it depends on the type of 'sore' you mean. Swollen-sore, or burn-sore, or when-you-swallow-sore, or...? That alone can help make it better faster... and w/ headache, where in your head does it hurt?
...No, I have NO experience in that area at ALL... ha. :)
Feel better soon, my love! I shall continue to bombard you with an assortment of lava and
Reply for sore...what if I said a little of all of them? Mostly the swallow-sore that bugs me, tho. And it's actually only a slight headache this time. Most of my symptoms can be attributed to some stupid excuse. Like maybe my throat is just dry from cleaning out my aunt's garage, the feeling feverish from hot weather(even though I'm in the air-conditioning...weird..) and the headache from...thinking too much? LOL
Hurhur...I love you.
I love reading your journal.
Good luck on weathering the headaches that I did. I'm here for you! [huggles]
Also, I plan to watch the WHOLE occlumency scene again, if you don't mind. SNAPE IS MADE OF WIN, DEAL WITH IT.
And... it MIGHT be because of Alan Rickman. A little... just a little...
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