"state trooper thinks I drive too fast pulled me over to tell me so I say out here on the prarie any speed is too slow I miss brooklyn I miss my crew let's start over I missed my cue"
your lab job misses you too! amazing as it might seem, the new guy has handwriting only marginally better than yours but his spelling skills are somewhat worse... a delightful combination for those trying to decipher the Chains of Custody. :)
What are you doing for work these days? I heard from Mike and Sarah that you were not at a tru out there any longer...they kept making you ring?
Anyways, your storeroom job misses you. It hasn't been all that awesome...although Andy was employee of the month for February, so that was kind of fun. Nick f is driving me nuts with his ridiculous emails that he leaves...he is trying to be funny, but they come across like he is talking to a bunch of 6 year olds, granted, some employees have that mentality, but still, it drives me insane! The other day he wrote that the u-boats needed to go "bye-bye" and he told Dan "sweep boy sweep". I just find it very degrading. I complained about it to Dan for a good portion of the day yesterday...the rest of the day we discussed conjoined twins and religion...as two separate topics, not like, conjoined twins and the religious ramifications of such.
I am going to St. Louis on Friday so I don't have to work at the store for a few weeks, so that makes me happy.
Тут надобно посетить одиночкам любого возраста, пола и ориентации,как девушки так и [url=http://www.mashki.ru/rules.php]транссексуалы[/url]. Москва - город совершенной нравственной и сексуальной свободы,хотите девочку - извольте,желаете что то пикантное - транссексуалы к вашим услугам. Проституция не законна,но это не мешает ей развиваться.Все [url=http://www.mashki.ru/rules.php]проститутки[/url] максимально здоровы и имеют привычку зачастую проверятся, так что шанс подцепить что-нибудь на память минимален.
Comments 4
Anyways, your storeroom job misses you. It hasn't been all that awesome...although Andy was employee of the month for February, so that was kind of fun. Nick f is driving me nuts with his ridiculous emails that he leaves...he is trying to be funny, but they come across like he is talking to a bunch of 6 year olds, granted, some employees have that mentality, but still, it drives me insane! The other day he wrote that the u-boats needed to go "bye-bye" and he told Dan "sweep boy sweep". I just find it very degrading. I complained about it to Dan for a good portion of the day yesterday...the rest of the day we discussed conjoined twins and religion...as two separate topics, not like, conjoined twins and the religious ramifications of such.
I am going to St. Louis on Friday so I don't have to work at the store for a few weeks, so that makes me happy.
Hope you are well.
Тут надобно посетить одиночкам любого возраста, пола и ориентации,как девушки так и [url=http://www.mashki.ru/rules.php]транссексуалы[/url]. Москва - город совершенной нравственной и сексуальной свободы,хотите девочку - извольте,желаете что то пикантное - транссексуалы к вашим услугам. Проституция не законна,но это не мешает ей развиваться.Все [url=http://www.mashki.ru/rules.php]проститутки[/url] максимально здоровы и имеют привычку зачастую проверятся, так что шанс подцепить что-нибудь на память минимален.
С уважением ваш друг Валерий
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