fetish ball was awesome... just wasnt in the party mood though.saw jen and seryah and d,a nd his cousin who had seryah on a leash(which was fun)... hope there are pictures as i am so w/o a camera... owell. wanted to stay longer but at the same time i didnt really. clive wasnt there so that part sucked wanted to tallk to him about some stuff. chris
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holy fucking shit where is a shoty when u need one? swear to god if anyone at work is named bob and they piss me off tonight i will kill them. if anyone named or related to bob of bob's towing i will kill them for the next few days... btw if you havent figured it out i got towed... i will kill him one of these days. i have parked in the same spot
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it nt much just 10-15 mins of fiddleing with numbers and letters to arrive at something not wholy new but deff different. for which i am highly pleased. as it was a quick job... want to make my own style or get a paid act becuase i like having more lj icons and hate the advertisement... but owell. who cares
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uhhh so i guess i need to get a new background picture...as mine seems to have been moved unbeknownst to me ;Þ which is cool cause it needs to be anyway. hmmm what to do.... ill have to look over stuff when i get home.