i don't know. tomorrow is my only day of the weekend that i have. just the thing is last thursday you asked when my break was and i anticipated you being there and you weren't ; you and i both know what was going on. i miss you love though.
today is gwen day and until 4;30! yes my shower is brand new; my dad fixed it. i can't wait until i can drive the beetle to school; but can't right now because i take to many people ! AG audry gets her liscense today!
sometimes i get so lazy i don't want to do anything. today i'm jumping out of my pants to go somewhere or anywhere with you. it's almost 4 and i don't want the sun to go down. maybe i'm going to go on a bike ride.
thank you for staying with me for thanksgiving. a surprise is about to come in the door for my mom in a few from new jersey:] i'm reallly excited for her!