Ok... so one of my new year resolutions was to read more.... a book a month. MINIMUM
so... I also figured that I would blog a review once I got through the books... I just haven't done it yet...
SOOOOO..... here are the books so far....
January I decided to read
One Small Candle: Sarah's Story by Debra McCarty
I really enjoyed this book. I couldn't believe how strong I felt the spirit while reading this. It is written by her mom but it's got a lot of Sarah's poems and journal entries in it. It's got a lot of mormon influence in it but it's still amazing for anyone I think. I felt I really got to know this girls personality... She seemed AMAZING!!! I would recomend it if you are looking to cry for a while!!! =) If you need a spiritual high.. this is the one...
Considering its the month for love and mushy relationships I thought it would be appropriate to read a book about divorce... seeing I just went through one and was coming up on the anniversary from when it all started... my mom got me this book...
Finding Wholeness and Happiness After Divorce by A. Dean Byrd and Sally H. Barlow
I found this book to be informative and it made me sad because there is a few sections about children and how they are able to cope with divorce. Things that they go through... and I realized that I am going to have a lot of hard years ahead of me. Already Rayray knows that he is different... he knows that his dad's not here and he's already not liking to talk about it. You can tell when he brings it up. He also still asks to talk to his dad on the phone and knows when it's been a while since he talked to him last... it's rough... but we are working through it.
I read another book.. seeing how it was the dreaded month of Valentines day... I figured I should read something about "dating" GAH ... hate that word... so I was told to read this book...
The Rules by Ellen Fein
it was uummm eeerrr interesting.... but it was good reading.... Informative to say the least.. they all seem pretty logical and make since when you stop to contemplate where they are coming from....
March I was already reading Brad blogs every day so I figured I would get his book
Attention. Deficit. Disorder. : A Novel by Brad Listi
this is the first novel I've read in a while... I usually stick to Fiction or History or self-help... stuff like that... so it was a nice read.. I LOVED how the book was put toghether, and you still got facts and quotes through out the novel. I loved how easy it was to read... I can't wait for his next book to come out!!! here's his blogs...
Good daily reading from Bradi Listi APRIL
Well... I know I am a few months early for this one... but I am now reading
Flag : An American Biography by Marc Leepson and Nelson DeMille
I was going to save it till July when I would be feeling patriotic but I figured... MEH why not now. I love American history and this goes through the flags history.. something I really know nothing about... I am liking it so far...
And that's it for the books for now... I still need at least 8 more books to read for the rest of the year... so I am open to suggestions... PLEASE leave one....
Heck just leave a "... was here" so I know that people are actually reading my blogs... I like to know that people take the time to read what I type! =) makes me feel special! =)