The Desolation of Honesty 1/?
June 17 2012, 02:35:58 UTC
If Shepard was honest with herself it started the first time they met, all those years ago in the council chambers of the Citadel. When she had gazed into his piercing blue eyes and he had not wavered; unlike so many others had under her harsh glare. She remembered standing there for what seemed to be an eternity sizing him up, trying to figure out his place in this mess that had begun on Eden Prime, with what had been so falsely called a shakedown run. He was taller than her, long fringe and sharp teeth, blue swatches of colour swept gracefully across the space below those piercing blue eyes, and from mandible to mandible, he had that slim form all Turians seemed to possess, that form that said hunter. They had stood there staring until Alenko had broken her from his gaze reminding her they still had to see the council
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The Desolation of Honesty 7/?
June 22 2012, 04:35:06 UTC
Garrus wasn’t just angry, he was livid. He felt fury boil in his cyan blood, how did he let her get under his plates like that? He stormed toward the main battery. The image of Shepard kneeling in the broken glass kept playing through his head; he had never seen her quite so raw before. There had been flickers of it in her eyes previously, certain missions that had maybe sliced their way under her skin like a fillet knife; touching sharply, but not for long enough that it would show to anyone that didn’t know her.That was it, wasn’t it? It was that his keen sniper eyes had seen it. That he was probably the only person on the damn Normandy that knew the real Shepard. He felt the anger in his blood begin to roll itself tightly into his chest
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The Desolation of Honesty 8/?
June 22 2012, 04:46:27 UTC
Shepard sat on the couch in her quarters, a shot gun and pistol laying in pieces on the small table in front of her. She picked up the Carnifex looking it over. I really need to get a new extended barrel on this thing. She felt the annoying trickle of water down her neck and ran a hand over her still damp hair. A small growl escaped her throat as she dropped that hand to her fresh fatigues to wipe away the moisture, still spinning the pistol in her other grip. A cold shower had only helped so much; she needed the focus of modifying her weapons to clear her mind
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The Desolation of Honesty 9/13
June 23 2012, 19:06:58 UTC
War. Or more, the things that came with war were Commander Shepard’s domain, weapons and armour, tactics and ruthless calculus; the sting of adrenaline and the cold thrill of battle. She poured over the reports
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The Desolation of Honesty 10/13
June 23 2012, 19:07:33 UTC
He thought about Tali, down in engineering wondering what had happened. He thought about Shepard in her quarters with nothing but the silent hum of an empty fish tank and shattered glass. He remembered when he had met Shepard all those years ago, so naive and young he had been then, his eyes hadn’t yet seen a quarter of the atrocities he’d witnessed in the years since. He could still remember meeting Tali for the first time, rescuing her from those thugs. His mandibles flared in a small smile when he remembered some of the things he had said to Tali in the long elevator rides on the citadel, his head shaking slightly at the embarrassment of it now
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The Desolation of Honesty 11/13
June 23 2012, 19:08:31 UTC
The war room was quiet.
Worse, he didn’t see Shepard when he first entered. His thoughts still in overload, warning signals flashing at high speeds telling him to search for the shadows; places he could hide or where someone else might already be hiding. As he descended cautiously into the centre of the room he saw her.
Her left arm was laying on part of the war terminal, her face buried partially in the crook of her elbow, her other arm hanging limply in her lap as she sat slack in a chair by the terminal. He walked as softly as he could towards her. He could see her shoulders moving lightly as she took in another soft breath.
Sleeping.His breath caught in his throat as he watched her. Eventually he made his way to her side, crouching down against the console, letting his head and fringe lean lightly against it. He was captivated. Her features looked soft, far softer then he had ever seen them. It made her look young and almost vulnerable. His chest tightened and he felt a lump in his throat. It made him want to
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The Desolation of Honesty 12/13
June 23 2012, 19:18:20 UTC
She slowly rolled one eye open towards him, most of her face still buried in her arm leaning on the console. “What the fuck, Vakarian?” her words dripping with vitriol. She slowly raised her head to look at him fully. “Anyone ever tell you it’s rude to wake someone when they’re sleeping?” She kept the pistol clocked to his temple
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The Desolation of Honesty 13/13 - Epilogue
June 23 2012, 19:22:30 UTC
There was no Shepard without Vakarian she’d told him at the end, one last conversation before the final storm; and in the dark hours of the night, his heart would whisper to him that was the reason the last vanguard of humanity never returned. In those dark hours when he would close his eyes and see her in a beam of light, burning so brightly he has to shield his eyes. Despite what had happened between them, she was still his best friend. But in the desolation of honesty, he’d found it difficult to be more
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she doesnt have time for this mindgame shit!
Worse, he didn’t see Shepard when he first entered. His thoughts still in overload, warning signals flashing at high speeds telling him to search for the shadows; places he could hide or where someone else might already be hiding. As he descended cautiously into the centre of the room he saw her.
Her left arm was laying on part of the war terminal, her face buried partially in the crook of her elbow, her other arm hanging limply in her lap as she sat slack in a chair by the terminal.
He walked as softly as he could towards her. He could see her shoulders moving lightly as she took in another soft breath.
Sleeping.His breath caught in his throat as he watched her. Eventually he made his way to her side, crouching down against the console, letting his head and fringe lean lightly against it. He was captivated. Her features looked soft, far softer then he had ever seen them. It made her look young and almost vulnerable. His chest tightened and he felt a lump in his throat. It made him want to ( ... )
Excuse me while I go bawl my eyes out.
Thank you a!a. I don't know what else to say.
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