A Pursuit Denied
June 28 2013, 02:21:27 UTC
This is a self-fill. Since most of the Slave!Shep fills have dried up ( :'[ ), here's my attempt to reinvigorate the genre. If you were working on one of those fills (you know who you are :P) and want to do chapter trades, I'd love to help.
Summary: Shep gets caught tresspassing on Illium. The punishment: indentured servitude!
Re: A Pursuit Denied 14
September 1 2013, 21:17:29 UTC
That was great!
I really like how much you publicly humiliated Shepard, Liara and Miranda here. I think it is safe to say that once this hits the extranet, the Council, the Alliance or even the Cerberus will not want to have anything to do with Shepard :) She won't inspire confidence through leadership in anyone ever again :) Liara can kiss goodbye her dream of catching the Shadow Broker as well..
I like the idea of Nassana having miss Allers make the record of her 'relationship' with Shepard.
Nassana whipping her slaves in the end and then forcing them into the trunk was amazingly cruel and sexy thing. And I bet Nassana will have the driver fly around the city for a while :)
Ok, I will look forward to all the sexy evil things to be done to our heroines in their thirty days... Although I get a feeling that Nassana is already thinking on extending that time :)
Summary: Shep gets caught tresspassing on Illium. The punishment: indentured servitude!
Tags: Noncon, BDSM, Shep+Liara, Miranda, Slavery
I really like how much you publicly humiliated Shepard, Liara and Miranda here. I think it is safe to say that once this hits the extranet, the Council, the Alliance or even the Cerberus will not want to have anything to do with Shepard :) She won't inspire confidence through leadership in anyone ever again :) Liara can kiss goodbye her dream of catching the Shadow Broker as well..
I like the idea of Nassana having miss Allers make the record of her 'relationship' with Shepard.
Nassana whipping her slaves in the end and then forcing them into the trunk was amazingly cruel and sexy thing. And I bet Nassana will have the driver fly around the city for a while :)
Ok, I will look forward to all the sexy evil things to be done to our heroines in their thirty days... Although I get a feeling that Nassana is already thinking on extending that time :)
Well done!
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