Glad I'm not the only one who has these thoughts! I'm hoping that I can put up a new part tomorrow at the latest; I wanted to post it tonight but thought I'd edit some bits the next day when I'd be less tired. Well, turns out I had to reinstall Windows and lost it (and my ME saves...). So yeah, I'm gonna try to rewrite it tonight! Thanks for your comments.
Re: Home is where the heart is
March 8 2014, 07:11:01 UTC
I guess I'm odd one out, as I just thought it was amusing...especially after what she says at the party XD.
Then again she flirts with you a bit in ME2 even if you are female.
I say this as someone 33 and married. If a girl flirts with my husband *shrug* it is harmless. He flirts back, again harmless.
Now, if she started hanging all over my husband - it would depend on who it is really XD. His best friend for example is female and hangs on him, but I'm not worried because my hubs only has eyes for me :3. So, flirting = not harmful.
Re: Home is where the heart is
March 8 2014, 13:52:30 UTC
I guess it all depends on she flirts, is it just making him compliments or touching him or being close to the other person.
I am not the jealous type and I am reluctant to let people touch me, in either way (be it hugs or more). And I trust someone deeply if I let them hug me or cuddle with me. But if my partner is suddenly touched by someone else I don't find this okay
Re: Home is where the heart is
March 8 2014, 16:42:42 UTC
Flirting for fun is harmless thats true ^^ But with the intend to seduce and lure away not so much. And by Tali I'm not so sure what she does in the game. It is no secret that she is attracted to him. Then it is not funny anymore. Because she is a friend to Shepard and and she should also act as a friend. And not hit on her man ;) But I get what you mean.
Re: Home is where the heart is
March 8 2014, 20:03:02 UTC
That's just it though. Public is one thing, and then it depends on when, where, how, and with whom, it is done. The flirting Tali does with Garrus, were not meant to be seen or overheard by anyone else. That is where the red flag is, plus unlike in rl you can't call anyone out on it.
Re: Home is where the heart is
March 8 2014, 20:24:11 UTC
Me again. Can Shep call them out, or is that where you are heading, A!A?. I wouldn't want Tali to be OoC, but I'd like some answers I couldn't get in game. Yeah. I want answers Tali!
Re: Home is where the heart is (A!A)
March 8 2014, 23:30:19 UTC
I think it depends on the flirting, really, and I wasn't too sure on the flirting that Tali did. I also must be one of the few people that didn't think her threesome comment was funny.
I'm hoping that I'll manage for Tali not to be too OOC - same goes for Shepard, while I don't think she'd make a drama out of it, I belive that she would have something to say. Shep will definitely confront them, it was the entire reason for my prompt and filling it myself! I just wished there was a reason to make a snide comment, anything really, but alas.. I just had to watch Tali flirting with my hot alien boyfriend.
Home is where the heart is 4/?
March 8 2014, 23:39:21 UTC
Maybe, Shepard thought, I'm just paranoid. She couldn't find another explanation. There was a war going on. Cerberus wanted her out of the picture. The imminent destruction of life as they knew it seemed inevitable. So much at stake, so much to worry about... And yet all there was on her mind right now, lying in bed at 0300 hours with a turian snoring softly next to her, was the suspicion that Tali was flirting with Garrus. The only person she'd trust with her life, hell, she trusted with her life every day
( ... )
Re: Home is where the heart is 4/?
March 9 2014, 02:45:55 UTC
I didn't think the threesome flirt was fun or funny, either. They had privately discussed having sex with each other, oh, and Shepard too. Two can play that game, Tali. I set un-romanced Gar up with that Turian woman. Now that, was funny!
But yay to this installment. This must what watching soaps is like. ^^. Thank you, A!A
Home is where the heart is 5/?
March 11 2014, 23:57:35 UTC
The thing about shore leave was that you never knew if it was your last, but keeping the crew cooped up while using the Citadel’s maintenance bay for the upgrades Adams suggested didn’t seem fair to her, especially not under the circumstances.
"I’m not so sure about that trip to Purgatory you mentioned," Shepard said to Joker as they were heading to the airlock.
"Gah, you’re such a downer."
She grinned. It had been an especially tough few days, and as absurd as shore leave sounded in times like these, she was grateful. They could all use the downtime, and Garrus had already expressed his appreciation last night, several times.
"Oh no," Joker groaned, "you're not planning to hole yourself up with Garrus the whole time, do you?"
"Sounds like a plan," Garrus' voice came from behind.
Shepard turned around and made a feeble attempt to slap his arm. "You're both terrible."
You would think that there were more levo dextro restaurants on a place like the Citadel, Shepard thought. They had ended up in a turian one, because even
( ... )
Home is where the heart is 6/?
March 11 2014, 23:58:11 UTC
When Liara got up to get them more drinks, Garrus was talking about their dinner to Tali and Javik, though Shepard suspected that the latter only listened because of all the primitives, Garrus seemed to be the most tolerable one to him
( ... )
Re: Home is where the heart is 6/?
March 12 2014, 01:51:46 UTC
Oh damn, Liara's on to it. I want to hear her thoughts on it. Loving this, A!A. Shepard's a better person than me, I would've gone all crazy psycho girlfriend by now. I'm also way more immature though.
Re: Home is where the heart is 7/?
March 14 2014, 02:09:57 UTC
Oh man, this is getting super juicy - I can just feel the awkward. LOL.
Your Shep is fantastic. I love how she recognizes her feelings and sort of berates herself for it due to the war situation. It seems realistic in that she knows her issues are a tad irrational, but can't help it. It makes sense - as much as we all know Garrus loves the shit outta her, there's always going to be some doubts because of how their relationship had a huge break, and now war sort of forces them to move things quickly.
Thanks for your comments.
Then again she flirts with you a bit in ME2 even if you are female.
I say this as someone 33 and married. If a girl flirts with my husband *shrug* it is harmless. He flirts back, again harmless.
Now, if she started hanging all over my husband - it would depend on who it is really XD. His best friend for example is female and hangs on him, but I'm not worried because my hubs only has eyes for me :3. So, flirting = not harmful.
I am not the jealous type and I am reluctant to let people touch me, in either way (be it hugs or more). And I trust someone deeply if I let them hug me or cuddle with me. But if my partner is suddenly touched by someone else I don't find this okay
But with the intend to seduce and lure away not so much. And by Tali I'm not so sure what she does in the game. It is no secret that she is attracted to him. Then it is not funny anymore. Because she is a friend to Shepard and and she should also act as a friend. And not hit on her man ;) But I get what you mean.
I'm hoping that I'll manage for Tali not to be too OOC - same goes for Shepard, while I don't think she'd make a drama out of it, I belive that she would have something to say. Shep will definitely confront them, it was the entire reason for my prompt and filling it myself! I just wished there was a reason to make a snide comment, anything really, but alas.. I just had to watch Tali flirting with my hot alien boyfriend.
But yay to this installment. This must what watching soaps is like. ^^. Thank you, A!A
"I’m not so sure about that trip to Purgatory you mentioned," Shepard said to Joker as they were heading to the airlock.
"Gah, you’re such a downer."
She grinned. It had been an especially tough few days, and as absurd as shore leave sounded in times like these, she was grateful. They could all use the downtime, and Garrus had already expressed his appreciation last night, several times.
"Oh no," Joker groaned, "you're not planning to hole yourself up with Garrus the whole time, do you?"
"Sounds like a plan," Garrus' voice came from behind.
Shepard turned around and made a feeble attempt to slap his arm. "You're both terrible."
You would think that there were more levo dextro restaurants on a place like the Citadel, Shepard thought. They had ended up in a turian one, because even ( ... )
Your Shep is fantastic. I love how she recognizes her feelings and sort of berates herself for it due to the war situation. It seems realistic in that she knows her issues are a tad irrational, but can't help it. It makes sense - as much as we all know Garrus loves the shit outta her, there's always going to be some doubts because of how their relationship had a huge break, and now war sort of forces them to move things quickly.
In short, I love you, A!A. Keep it up!!!
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