Mass Effect Kink Meme: PART XXII

Jun 23, 2014 13:30

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The benefits of knocking first (1/?) Wrex/Garrus anonymous July 14 2014, 18:22:56 UTC
sequel to all the 'benefits' stories!
The benefits of inclement weather:
The benefits of C-Sec issued handcuffs:
The benefits of diplomatic immunity: )


Re: The benefits of knocking first (1/?) Wrex/Garrus anonymous July 14 2014, 18:46:44 UTC
Yesyesyes moaaarrrr!
Thank you so much dear a!a - you are still mean, making me ship this, but I love you.
And if you continue this until after the war I will give you my first born.


Re: The benefits of knocking first (1/?) Wrex/Garrus anonymous July 14 2014, 20:28:30 UTC
OMG A!A,this is sooooo good!

Above anon reporting.

It's off to a very promising start. And do I detect a hint of love there? Because Wrex is right, he definitely shouldn't get worried about someone taking off half his turian's face (his turian, hehehe).

Plus, it shouldn't have felt kind of sexy when Wrex dug his han into Garrus (very shapely) waist. You are doing all sorts to me, a!a.

AS A FINAL NOTE, I agree with the prior Anon. If you continue this until after the war I'll totally name my child after you.

His name shall be Aaron. A!anon, just one letter difference xD Aren't I clever? (OK, no. I will stop).

Please keep writing!


A!A here anonymous July 15 2014, 00:38:41 UTC
In response to 'Above anon'...and 'above Above anon', Benefits will absolutely continue after the war. :)
I know for sure that there will be three more installments: one set pre-tuchanka in ME3, one during Citadel, and one after the game. More may well happen...

haha, yes~there are clear feelings developing there. 'Knocking first' deals with a bit more feels as well as sex.....and hopefully some humor in there as well.


Re: A!A here anonymous July 15 2014, 03:30:13 UTC
Ohhh, Above anon is sooo glad <3

It's good to see you are still full-steam on this, sicne they have come out most wonderfully.

I wasn't sure on Diplomatic immunity, but this part sealed the deal for me. You seem to be going the subtle way, which I rather like a lot! Of course, I suppose it helps to have a rough long term plan...

At any rate, these are just getting better, and I don't say that just because you are writing sex now. They just feel like a natural progression for the characters.


The benefits of knocking first (2/?) Wrex/Garrus anonymous July 15 2014, 00:33:02 UTC
“Try not to hit the supplies.” Wrex used a thumbnail to undo the latches and seals on the side and flank of Garrus' armor. It didn't give him much room, not without making it really, really obvious what was going on....not that the turian would probably mind, utterly shameless creature that he was. Unfortunately, it was hard enough to keep the krogan moving forward on the path Wrex had chosen for them without losing heir respect over fucking a lesser species ( ... )


Re: The benefits of knocking first (2/?) Wrex/Garrus anonymous July 15 2014, 00:42:07 UTC
uh oh, something pissed Garrus off... well, i'm sure Wrex can make him happy. with his dick. goddamn it's like five am here and i should sleep, but interspecies alien smut hell yeah


Re: The benefits of knocking first (2/?) Wrex/Garrus anonymous July 15 2014, 08:45:51 UTC
Above above anon here!
Dear mean a!a... I don't have any firstborns yet, so maybe you will accept kittens?
Now to Garrus being all angry suddenly... I have an idea and if I'm right then I love you even more, cuz this was my head canon for a very long time!


A!A here anonymous July 15 2014, 17:40:54 UTC
oooh, kittens! I would definitely accept kittens :D


Re: The benefits of knocking first (2/?) Wrex/Garrus anonymous July 15 2014, 14:14:56 UTC
YES! Finally! Been waiting for this forever it feels like. So been looking forward to it! I was so happy when I saw it last night when I went to bed, and then when I woke up there was part two up! Whie! You are the greatest Anon!Author.


Re: The benefits of knocking first (2/?) Wrex/Garrus anonymous July 15 2014, 14:58:35 UTC
Above anon kept falling asleep while trying to reply to his. Not because it was boring (far, far from it), but because she kept reading it at the worst times.


Even Wrex is starting to admit Garrus is a shameless kinky little bastard. In fact, he's starting to care less and less whether they have an audience as well. Moreover, he's now having voyeuristic fantasies about Garrus, of watching him, joining him... Is Garrus goal to turn Wrex into a shameless kinky big bastard? Because that's the road this is clearly heading xD Also, it is very interesting to note that, if it has Garrus writhing somewhere, it is automatically sexy for Wrex. Very interestingAlso, poor Garrus. Because he either was involved with Sidonis, and Sid betrayed him, or he was involved with someone else from his team and now they are dead. Or maybe it was a happy threesome with Sidonis. And now they are dead. Fuck ( ... )


The benefits of knocking first (3/?) Wrex/Garrus anonymous July 15 2014, 23:29:16 UTC
Wrex's private quarters were no fancier than any other krogan's. Utilitarian to the extreme, his only furnishings were a rough sleeping ledge, a weapons rack and a few empty cargo crates that doubled as storage and table ( ... )


The benefits of knocking first (4/?) Wrex/Garrus anonymous July 16 2014, 02:02:25 UTC
Grabbing for Vakarian's fringe, Wrex hauled him upright, feeling the full body shiver that wracked the turian's body as the maneuver changed Wrex's angle within him ( ... )


Re: The benefits of knocking first (4/?) Wrex/Garrus anonymous July 16 2014, 02:42:54 UTC
poor Shepard... nope, can't say it with a straight face. also, i'll be using 'routine gun maintenance' as code for hot sex for the rest of my life.

are we getting some past Garrus/Sidonis up in here? i am so down with that it's not even funny.


Re: The benefits of knocking first (4/?) Wrex/Garrus anonymous July 16 2014, 03:39:22 UTC
OMG, I just... I can't.

As soon as Above Anon saw the incoming Shepard, she just burst out laughing. Like WHOAH. I'm still giggling. This must've been your funniest scene yet xD It trumps Liara! You even used "horrified fascination"!

Also; wow, Wrex, you jerk. The sexy turian has just been through an emotional bender with the whole Sidonis betrayal fiasco, and you try to deny the whole thing. When you have him in your bed. Geez. (Actually, Wrex thoughts were sort of funny, too, in a cringe-worthy kind of way; which I thought reaaaaally suited his whole handling of the relationship so far).

So, I hope Garrus gets his revenge! Sexy revenge.

**Fingers crossed***


Re: The benefits of knocking first (4/?) Wrex/Garrus anonymous July 16 2014, 03:53:44 UTC
Oh, Mordin.

You know, it would ACTUALLY be kind of funny if Garrus was fucking Shepard on the side as well. NEW OT3 ACHIEVED **laughs madly**

But fill's mighty fine as it is xD


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