Shit. Good times. I am exhausted and I want to kick myself in the ass.
I left my belt and my jacket and my shoes in Gia's house! I might as well have gone home naked. >:
Anyway I'm too lazy to talk about the whole night but are the devil.
So here is the cute little blow job that Jonny ordered
Apparently you have to lick the top off then suck the drink out... - -' WHO thinks of these things?!
Naesa <3 her blow job
Get away. I like my wine.
Aaaaand they're gone...
I believe Naesa is necking me. Around this time Chantal and Gian have disappeared.
This makes me think of the shirt Steve wore today, which says: You say 'DON'T FUCK' but we say 'FUCK YOU!'
Find your own
Toboggan Traits and Tendencies Toboggan couples sometimes find themselves racing in two entirely different directions. If they don't check in frequently to make sure they're both on the same track, they can grow impressively far apart, and it can take a great deal of painful maneuvering and many late-night talks before they reconnect once again.
Dead true
Comfort Zone Toboggan is a Sun Sleeper pose. Other Sun poses a Tobogganeer might enjoy include Big C Little c, Classic Spoons, and The Heimlich. Naesa! Take this test! Spooning!
A Note About Feeding Tobogganeers have two modes: fed and calm, and unfed and frantic. I think this is true =/
PS: Mio, you ARE on my Y!M! But you're never on-line. Maybe it's a wrong address or something. =P