K so I took a trip last month and finally got time to post about it and about some other things that have happened since.
I went to Okoboji for about two weeks, I had a blast! There were some mishaps though -_-;) Within the first five minutes we got there I had to go to the hospital.
Here's what happened. I was bringing a box from the trunk of our car into our cabin and when I was opening the gate, or trying to at least, my dogs kept jumping in front of the gate so I could not open it. Well, as i was trying to push the dogs away, the box fell down stairs.......a lot of them. And, of course, there had to be a huge ass glass bottle in it, which fell out of the box when the box fell, and broke. Anyways, as I was done picking up the pieces I stumbled a bit damn knees and a piece of glass flew out of the pile I had and cut a very deep whole in my finger. I didn't even know this happened until there was a puddle (there really was a puddle) of blood. My mom said to just clean it and let it be for awhile. So I cleaned it but then I noticed a bunch of white things coming out, yes it was finger guts (lol that's what the doctor called it) and I showed my mom and THEN she started freaking out hahahah
I needed stitches but the doctor said I could get by , if I was very careful, with some strips and wrapping around it. The reason I didn't get stitches was because I wouldn't be able to go in the water for 10 days and with the strips I only had to wait three.
After that incident I had a lot of fun. I met this really nice newlywed couple who forced, literally forced, me to go eat sushi with them. It was good pretty good, not the best though.
Then, a couple days into the trip, we met a girl.............a very strange girl. She came down to our dock, which is private, and sat down on a chair and started talking to us. She started telling us how she was a hard-core Christian and her house, which apparently she thought that Coat closets were the coolest thing ever cos she kept on bragging about hers. After talking for a bit she wanted to go swimming but couldn't decided whether or not she should. Finally she yelled "Fuck it" ( I started laughing really hard in my head at this part cos she said she was a hard-core Christian not too long before she said this XD;) and decided to go swimming.....without a suit...........it was disturbing. She took of her pants and was wearing underwear to small for her, she was a BIG girl who doesn't like the idea of shaving either *shudders*, she was about to take off her shirt but we stopped her. So she jumped in and then when she got out she took one of OUR towels!!! (we never touched that towel again, I'll tell you the main reason why in a bit) anyways so we were sitting there with this girl and my sister's boyfriend comes back on the jetskii to see if anyone wanted to ride with him for a bit. my sister was about to go but then the girl jumped on the back of the jetskii!! ( we didn't tell my sister's bf that she was in her underwear until the next day lol) While they were out my mom took the liberty of finding out more about this girl...... by going through her stuff. By 'stuff' I mean a plastic bang she was carrying and her jeans. my mom found clothes, books, she didn't have any money, and she had a flask. I thought she was suspicious before this but this just made me kinda scared. >.<
Anyways.......... She and my sister's bf came back after awhile and she stayed on our dock. She started talking and then she noticed my finger. She immediatly went to my side and asked me questions about.... mainly about whether or not it was infected or if I have ever had a cut get infected before. I said no and apparently she thought that meant 'take off my wrapping and look at it' cos she immediatly said "It's infected?! let me see!" and then she grabbed my finger and started undoing it!! Seriously! WTF?!!!!! I pushed her away and then she started showing me her infections............. this would be the reason NONE of us touched that towel again. Later on she got a phone call for a counsiling job type thing for troublied kids, like a Big Sister program. She started talking about how she was once a troubled child and did drugs and whatnot and is now clean and she would like to help those who needed it and then when she got off the phone she offered me a ciggarette and some liquid from her flask!!! SERIOUSLY! WTF??!!! And she's my age!!!!! She FINALLY left and said she was coming back tomorrow..... she never came thank god Oh! and she also thought that the lake we were at was a manmade ocean......... (laughs)
Enough about her.......she was creppy. *shudders*
So the rest of the trip was fun. I only had to make one more trip do the hospital cos' one of my siter's bf decided to push me into the water when I didn't have anything to protect the wrapping on my finger with, so everything come undone -_-;)
I got yelled at by some old lady that works at a shop that I was in. Me and my oldest sister's bf were taking pictures of each other with ours phones cos we were being silly, as always, and apparently the shop owner doesn't like pictures.. (laughs)
OH! and apparently I talk in my sleep sometimes cos on the night my grandma stayed over I yelled "Holy shit!" and "Oh my god!"... (laughs) She woke me up at like three in the morning by poking my cheek to tell me this (laughs)
the rest of the trip did not have anymore mishaps.
I lied (laughs) it was a funny hilarious one though. We were walking back from a bar and my step-dad decided to play catch by himself with a fish bowl (it was filled with what they were drinking) and one time he threw it too high and far and so he chased after the bowl and dove for a PLASTIC fish bowl. His excuse was that he didn't want it to break and have to pick up the pieces. (laughs) After that he was holding onto one of his hands as we were walking and then my mom asked what was wrong ( she was kinda drunk at this time and completely missed the fish bowl incident) he just gave her a look that a five year old gives to his mom when he cuts a cut and said "It hurts".
(laughs) These people amuse me.
Anyways, after we got back I cut my finger about 5 more times..... it was the SAME finger. It's a very unlucky finger. (laughs) oh well.
Between then and now my computer has had to be repaired TWICE and I have been sick the past week. I missed two whole days due to sleeping. I'm amazed I'm even up right now doing this. -_-;) I'll probably pass out after a couple of hours and then sleep for another day.(laughs)
Oh! One of the times I woke up there was a spider hanging from my ceiling bouncing up and down right in front of my face!!!! >.< I seriously freaked out!!!! I'm surprised i was able to fall back a sleep after about ten minutes of freaking out and being paranoid.
So I realize now that I didn't write half of what I wanted to, mainly cos' it took long enough to just type this out due to me being messed up from some meds.
well....... I have a new community it's called hicyan...... I haven't posted anything on it yet andprobably won't for awhile until I get caught up with school. gomen~
well.... that's all I can think of to write.
Ja ne ^-^)/