So I just watched Ryusei no Kizuna and it was amazing! I thiink this is going to be one of my new favorites~(´∀`)
I had to pause it a lot cos I started spazzing (laughs) The kids they got to play the chibi versions of Nino & Ryo's characters were so cute!
Ryo was so ....sjclab He looks so cute talking about ecchi things (laughs) I like how they refer to sex as sports
ah~ Ryo can make me so happy (´∀`)
I like Toda Erika in this dorama a lot, usually she bugs me.
Nino and Ryo were amazing together!
I love the scene where Ryo tells Nino that their little sister is a campgirl (campeign girl) and that she quit her office job due to post-its...... LMAO Nino got so confused and Ryo just kept on making him even more confused and kept on thinking that their sister was handing out post-its. Finally Ryo told him to forget about the post-its and was telling him what she was handing out and before he could say the item Nino said "post-its?". Ryo just yells "Condoms!" XD Then Nino leaves work and they get their sister and bring to a manga cafe. Erika say that she's sorry for quitting her office job. Nino then says that he's not mad about that. Eirka replies, very loudly, "Because I was elling condoms?" and they zoom out on the three of them and there's this huge crowd outside of their cubicle type thing. The three of them continue talking, mainly Nino & Ryo complaining about how she's pratcially inviting people to do her and then she says "It's not like it's my first time." and the crowd starts to disperse and then Ryo-chan & Nino just stare at her until she finally says that she was joking and she's still a virgin. Upon hearing that the crowd of otaku's/creepy guys comes back! Nino is still in shock and Ryo-chan says that Erika shocked him so much that it created an error in him. NIno continues to be the cutie that he is and keeps on stuttering due to shock. XD
There's a part soon after that scene I just talked about that reminds me of Kurosagi! (´∀`)
Then after Nino explained to Erika that she was being swindled Ryo started watching the tv and there was this creepy white girl on there and the first thing she says, in a REALLY high pitched voice, was "Let's exercise!" and then she started marching around a pool in a bikini. WTF?!!
Later on Ryo & Erika try to swindle somebody the same way that Erika was swindled and get caught by Nino (He's seems to be a ninja at times in the dorama) The lady Erika was trying to swindle ended up trying to get her into a speech class type thing! XD
Nino pretty much became a detective and found the lady that swindled Erika~ Yay for Nino-chan~!! (´∀`)
He looked so cute in glasses!
Erika & Ryo-chan start saying that he's tenacious, a snake, disgusting and a scorpion and that they're scared. Nino Makes a cute pout, there's a pause, and they start apologzing to him. lol
Nino comes up with a plan to swindle the lady, which he was so.....XDD gotta love this man ne~
They started calling him disgusting again! lmao
He starts explaining his plan again, starting with how he followed the swindler to a host club and tells Erika to get the money back from one of the hosts. She starts complaing about how she can't talk to people and then Nino says that he has a script....(laughs)
Just to let you knw, the guy that played the host Kazuya was HOT! He made me laugh too. They had Ryo dress up as a host!! *dies*
For Erika's part in the plan, they had her dress up in a lollita outfit holding a bunny and Ryo-chan pretends to almost hit her while driving Kazuya somewhere and then Kazuya falls for Erika~
After Kazuya saw Erika every now and then they showed the scenes in the form of a manga lmao
---When Kazuya asked for Erika's name and she said "Shiori" (her name in the dorama is really Shii by the way~) Maou invaded my mind, like it does whenever I see stairs, and I had to pause the dorama due to excessive spazzing. XDD ----------
Erika suggest that they exchange letters after saying she doesn't have a cell phone and after awhile, in on of the letters she wrote to Kazuya, she says that she has to move to Canada due to poor health because her doctor said that the air in Tokyo is bad for her. She says that once she has 300k, the amount she was swindled, so she can go to a school she's wanted to go to and she gives a dress and bank account information to him. Kazuya starts crying. Ryo, who is his driver again for some reason, says that he needs to get money and stops to get some.
Kazuya quickly gets out of the car to call for Ryo and tells him to transfer 300k to Erika's account. While Ryo's getting the money the swindler who swindled Erika shows up in a pink frilly outfit with a rabbit and says the same thing that Erika says when she first meets Kazuya [LMAO] Kazuya tells her to get into his car and she runs up to him, hugs him, and then starts crying in a really deep voice.
Erika get's her money back~!!
The rest of the episode was realy good and I would explain it but~
I'm tired, my vision is getting blurry and my brain has turned to mush due to Ryo-chan, Nino-chan, Maou (it ninja'd its way into my head, it seems to happend quite often)