Normally I see stuff like this, enjoy it for a sec and move on. Its really touching, things folks sometimes forget to do, like remember that despite everything, these are still our families, friends, and neighbors overseas. No matter what your stance is on Bush, Irag, Afghanistan, politics, etc, its things like this that make you remember, hey there are people who want to do what no one else will, and all they want is our support and love. The kind of unconditional love that should be given to anyone in the world, but its the soldier, the civil servant, the firefighter, the policeman, the volunteer that goes out, everyday and does what must be done, not because they want anything, but because it must be done. Sure they want to be paid, they want to feel acomplished, but no one ever says "I'm going to go be a firefighter and become rich!" If they do, they are kinda silly.
I dunno, about halfway through the post I realized I was ranting, and labeled as such. Go watch the video if you haven't If you need the link, reply and I'll post it, but I figure if you haven't seen it, it should be easy to find (remember google is your friend).
As this post really has no point other than randomly blithing on about much of nothing, I ask your forgiveness for saying so much about so little, so poorly. :)
I just got back from church and well, have been really forward with my opinions and beliefs, and figured, why stop there!....so much for seeming at all together ;p