doot doot wip scribbles! Mostly madoka and pokemon stuff aren't you surprised.
Two Madoka doodles am gonna throw some color on eventually. Gawd I love drawing magical girl!Madoka I LOVE HER DRESS SO MUCH even I can never remember the details. Same with Homura, I always forget her stocking decorations.
Snivy using grass mixer/leaf tornado :|a I always wondered why they gave it such a powerful move early on in the anime while the other starters got the basics. It's also seems just like a more controlable Leaf Storm attack :|aaa Anywho, trying to figure out how to color it to make it look semi-cool.
Aaand an ophi!ash scribble. lalala one day I need to stop drawing ash and pikachu lalala
quick com/request for a friend! WHOO TALES I can never remember who's from what series!! I sort of like how it came out tho. Getting better at drawing people that aren't my OCs or from Pokemon aww yeah.
Semi-related, apparently
this OP Parody is based on a Tales (Vesperia?) game? Hahah it's so weird seeing the Pokemon anime cast like that. Still cool though.
I should just do a post linking all my favorite Pokemon Crossover Ops someday, gosh. I also want to finally STOP TALKING ABOUT IT and do a couple myself (I've had plans for a Fighting Dreams crossover with Ash and co forever, and I reeeally want to do a White/N Utena parody) but ffft discipline and not understanding Flash. SOMEDAY o9"