Title: The Drunk Homunculi
Author: master_of_yaoi
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: EnvyxEd
Summary: Envy is crazy when drunk.
I'm giving you another EnvyEdo drabble, while you wait for Chapter 3 of Choking Blood. Please enjoy, its kinda a remake of my last EnvyEdo drabble.Also, its kinda messed up.
It was a superbowl party. Everyone was going crazy and drinking, and everyone was invited. The military, the Rockbells, the Tringhams, even the homunculi. Everyone ended up getting drunk, except Ed, Al, Winry, Wrath, and Fletcher, of course. Pride doesn't count. Anyways, Envy got the most drunk.
In the morning, Envy woke up. He was sweating, and was naked. Must've done himself again. He sighed and rolled over on his other side, to be greeted with a kiss on the cheek. Envy's eyes went wide.
"Mornin' Babe," Edward smiled at him.