Title: Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right
Author: Jacqueline Hauck (master_of_yaoi)
Pairing: uchihacest
Warnings: Gay sex, Angstwhore-ness
Summary: I'm sorry, but it's kind of hard to put into words.
Notes: Expect delays.
He marked July 8th on his calendar. His calendar was a design calendar; supplied with weird patterns and 3D-designs. July had a rather strange design. It was red, and had black writing on it, with a picture of a city. A place called home, it could've possibly said.
Sasuke stared blankly at the picture, wondering what it could've possibly meant. The only readable words were strange, and didn't make much sense, right then.
Place through the intermediary of the paper..
Collecting autographs is a genue, ...
And to which occupation which has long suffered from..
Visual than collecting works...
What the fuck is this crap supposed to mean, Sasuke thought. It seemed like words just painted onto the design to freak you out, when it really didn't mean anything. But what about the other paragraphs all around the page? There were in different languages. What could those mean?
He sighed and put the black marker down. He walked out the door, had already changed and cleaned himself up before he marked the calendar.
"Oi, Sasuke!" Naruto said. Sakura and him were waiting outside Sasuke's door the whole time, apparently. Sasuke grunted and started walking to where Kakashi had told them to be.
"S-Sasuke, wait up!" Sakura whined, running to catch up with Sasuke. Naruto blinked and followed, and they both ended up on either side of Sasuke.
"Did you sleep good, Sasuke?" Sakura asked, a smile on her face. Sasuke replied with a 'Hn.' and continued walking, looking straight ahead.
Sakura frowned and looked ahead, also, not surprised by Sasuke's unenthusiasm. Naruto glared at Sasuke, and got ready to remark.
"Sasuke, why are you always grumpy? Don't you see, you're hurting Sakura's feeling!" Naruto yelled at Sasuke, crossing his arms. Sasuke stopped walking and looked at Naruto, his own glare on his face. He gritted his teeth and shook his head.
"No. I'm not replying to your answer.." Sasuke said, mainly to himself, and started walking ahead, faster than before, meaning to lose them. Sakura glared at Naruto and ran up to Sasuke.
"It'll be alright, Sasuke! Naruto is just a jerk, that's all!" Sakura said, "I'm fine, really. Everything is okay."
You have no idea, Sasuke thought to himself.
A/N: Sorry for short prologue. It doesn't explain any uchihacest or anything, but trust me, the uchihacest WILL come.