Title: Lucky Pairing: Chen/Sehun Rating: NC-17 Warnings: sex with a stranger, PWP Summary: Sehun scores a backstage invite at Chen's concert. ( Sehun was not sure how he got backstage. )
Hey, I loved Jongdae's attitude in this, and I can totally picture it. His leather pants, his boots, and his sass. That's just natural with him, which flows naturally too in your writing. Sehun represents every little fan girl in the world that wants Chen Chen to bend down and whore himself out. Sehun is just so so lucky to get it.
My favorite part : "over the table in front of him and worked his leather pants down over bony hips, past a rounded ass, over thick thighs, and lastly letting them pool over his calves and boots. The other man moaned at the sight and the thought of the famous Chen jumping around the stage with no underwear on."
That's fun, hot, and realistic. I mean, YEAH, he's got this amazing body. I hope you saw the picture I sent you. Those arms, though...
Chen/Sehun Fic Recommendations!livejournalFebruary 22 2015, 22:10:47 UTC
User astronomatic referenced to your post from Chen/Sehun Fic Recommendations! saying: [...] in which sehun asks, jongdae indulges note: currently locked bc author is editing Title: Lucky [...]
Comments 12
Hey, I loved Jongdae's attitude in this, and I can totally picture it. His leather pants, his boots, and his sass. That's just natural with him, which flows naturally too in your writing. Sehun represents every little fan girl in the world that wants Chen Chen to bend down and whore himself out. Sehun is just so so lucky to get it.
My favorite part : "over the table in front of him and worked his leather pants down over bony hips, past a rounded ass, over thick thighs, and lastly letting them pool over his calves and boots. The other man moaned at the sight and the thought of the famous Chen jumping around the stage with no underwear on."
That's fun, hot, and realistic. I mean, YEAH, he's got this amazing body. I hope you saw the picture I sent you. Those arms, though...
great one-shot again, loved it!
Thank you for reading!
This was so sexy!!
Thank you for sharing ♥︎
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