Dinner with Any One I Choose

Feb 12, 2004 20:06

I’ve been pondering this question for the better part of a ten-day now and I’m having trouble narrowing it down to just one person. So I think I’ll expand the parameters a bit and throw a dinner party -

Master Yoda’s mother - I’ve always wanted to meet the being who birthed my Grand-Master. She would, no doubt, have enough blackmail material stories to keep him out of my hair for years.

Darth Bane - to talk him out of it.

Senator Palpatine of Naboo - I’ve rarely ever taken such an instant dislike to someone in my entire life. We’ve only met once, and I’d like to have a chance to meet him again and figure out why he makes me feel like I’ve bathed in slime the moment I see him.

Master Vodo-Siosk Baas - nearly 4,000 years ago, he trained many Jedi. But his best known student is also his greatest failure - he trained the infamous Exar Kun, and was eventually betrayed and killed by him. I think he and I might have a few insights on dealing with failure to share with each other, don’t you?

Finally, I’d like to meet the person who invented the lightsaber. Thousands of years old, the Jedi have no record of who developed it, or who discovered the properties of the Adegan crystals that are the focus gems in our primary weapon. After all of the times my skill with a lightsaber has saved my life, the least I could do is to feed the being that made it possible.

Muse: Qui-Gon Jinn
Fandom: Star Wars:TPM
Word Count: 255
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