Title: Two Christmas Seasons
Pairing: Taemin/OC
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Het sex, member/oc.
Summary: From the first time Taemin met her, he couldn't get her off his mind.
Wordcount: 4,681
Notes: Written for the
shineesanta exchange for
glimmersofstars. I didn't think I'd be writing any member/oc fics, but here is one after all. I didn't mind it so much because I found a way
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Comments 2
You know, honestly, I feel the way you do. I read het every now and then, but I tend to steer pretty clear of OCs in fics. It's just not my thing. So, when I was asked to write this, I had a lot of struggles. I spent a long time trying to figure out what kind of girl I thought would be most interesting for Taemin. I didn't want her to feel flat or like some projection of a fan XD I am definitely a bit of a snob when it comes to original characters in fanfiction. I also try to not be prejudice, but I know I am about some things ^.^;
So, thank you! I'm really glad you thought it was good and that I handled it well. <3
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