Day Twenty Three - My Heart Stops 4/6 - M2 - NC-17

Nov 23, 2010 11:21

Title: My Heart Stops 4/6
Author: anyothergirl415
Characters/Pairing: CWRPS - Mike/Misha
Theme: Nano Table
Prompt: 18 - taste
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~1,650
Summary: Misha isn’t as brave and strong as everyone thinks.
Notes: Fourth in the series. You want to start here.

On more than one occasion in Mike’s life - though not as many as one might think - Mike seriously regretted his ability to make any sound. This was one of those times. With Misha above him, their bodies pressed together, their crotches rolling between each glide of their lips, Mike desperately wished he could moan the way Misha was. He wanted the boy to know how very good this was, how much he couldn’t get enough of it.

He thought maybe his body would speak for him, the arch and curve, his foot digging hard into the door as he struggled up for more friction. Misha’s fingers curled over his waistline, tugging and pulling and the first flick of the button free had Mike’s entire body tensing.

Misha looked up, staring into Mike’s eyes and smiling softly. “This okay?”

All Mike could do was nod. He’d be a damn idiot to stop this now. What seventeen year old boy didn’t completely long for some gorgeous guy to take enough interest in him for this to happen? Sure he was nervous but he thought that Misha wouldn’t go too far, not in the front of his Jeep. Hopefully.

Misha pulled at Mike’s jeans until they had him trapped around the thighs and all of the air in Mike’s lungs caught and held when Misha slid back and flicked his own button open. His wide eyed, flushed cheeks, parted lips thing must have caught the boy’s attention because Misha laughed softly and shook his head.

“Don’t worry, it’ll just feel better with skin, okay? I’m not… just trust me on this, really.” Misha murmured, reaching out to touch Mike’s cheek.

Mike felt stupidly exposed; his jeans shimmied down, his shirt shoved up, Misha’s eyes constantly flickering over his obvious arousal. So he did what seemed the most logical and sat up, pulling his shirt off and letting it drop to the floor. Then he dropped back down and wiggled out of his jeans, kicking them off to the side.

“God, Mike, you’re so hot,” Misha murmured and pulled his own shirt off, squeezing between the dash and the seat so he could shove his jeans off. When he finally looked back at Mike, there was a soft smile on his lips. “Can I?”

Mike nodded jerkily - though he wasn’t exactly sure what he was given permission for - his cheeks flushed. Misha crawled up and over Mike, bracing himself on a hand. The other carefully wrapped around the already leaking length of Mike’s erection. He moaned, low and soft against Misha’s cheek, Mike’s arm lifting to twine around the boy’s neck, mouth seeking mouth.

Misha slid his tongue deep, sliding his fingers carefully against the hard cock in his hand, shivering when their cocks brushed together as Mike arched against him.

Then Misha was releasing his grip on Mike and that wasn’t at all what he wanted. Of course, until Misha’s body lowered against his and Mike got a full taste of what he was in for. Misha lowered his hips and rocked forward, groaning at the first delicious, off-center slide of their cocks against one another.

“Oh god…” He gasped and Mike clutched hard at his neck, soundlessly making his own gasp, arching up against him with an awkward jerk. Misha scooted up higher, aligning their lengths before drawing back and rocking forward again.

Mike had never realized it could feel like this, it didn’t seem like it would, but Misha’s skin was burning against his and each time their hips rolled together Mike thought he was going to lose his mind.

It was all over alarmingly fast. Mike’s spine twisted as he arched up and grasped Misha’s hair then the slick heat of his orgasm was spreading between them and he bit down hard enough on Misha’s neck to make him call out.

Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.

When Misha collapsed breathless on him, Mike didn’t so much mind the extra weight. In fact, he didn’t even mind come cooling sticky between their bodies or his ass pressing into the cool Jeep seat. As far as Mike was concerned, this was the best night ever.

“You wanna be my boyfriend?” Misha asked into his neck, once his chest had stopped shaking with each inhale.

Slowly, sleepily smiling, Mike nodded. He couldn’t think of a thing he wanted more.


Mike wasn’t exactly certain what it meant to be boyfriends with Misha but he liked the idea of having a boyfriend. After all, it was kind of lame to make it through high school without one, he thought. Or maybe it didn’t matter but whatever, he was plenty happy to have Misha as his.

For the weekend that was.

On Monday morning Mike walked to school as usual, excited to see Misha, possibly still buzzing from the weekend and the sorta kinda losing some of his virginity - could you lose only part of your virginity? Mike wasn’t sure.

When he spotted Misha talking to some boys he didn’t know Mike merely smiled and headed their way, twisting his bag around to pull out his iPad and stylist. Misha’s back was to him so Mike reached out, tapping his shoulder and smiling at the boy. The group grew quiet at his interruption and Mike looked around before fixing his gaze on Misha again and waving.

This time the other boys laughed and Misha looked away. “Hey Mike, you uh, here about that project? Look I’ll just catch up with you later.”

When Misha looked up his eyes were pleading and Mike didn’t even have to know him at all to know that look said just get out of here now, I don’t want you here. It was enough to have Mike stepping back, blinking, and pursing his lips in confusion. The strong taste of bile rose in the back of Mike’s throat and he did the first thing that came to mind.

In this case, it happened to be slapping Misha. Damn that boy. Mike had spent his whole life building up the confidence that he had. Did he have any idea how hard it was to be disabled in any way and still keep your head held up while everyone else mocked you? No, of course he didn’t, and Mike wasn’t sure why he’d thought Misha was different.

Even though Mike hadn’t said a word, he had a feeling Misha got the silent words. Of course, the slap went a long way to express just how horrible the tightening in Mike’s chest suddenly was.

“Ooh Misha, he really told you.” One of the boys laughed, snickering with his friends. “What’s the matter freak? Cat got your tongue?”

Sometimes Mike didn’t mind that he couldn’t stand up for himself the way he wanted too. After all, he was by default the bigger man because he turned and walked away from fights. But it didn’t exactly help that reputation he’d been working so hard on and all. And in this case, his heart felt a little like it was breaking so he didn’t have the tolerance to simply walk away. Instead he scribbled on his iPad and turned it to the boy.

“Fuck you.” One of the other boys read aloud then looked over at his friends.

Their laughter wasn’t nearly as horrible as Misha’s joining in with them. He was still touching his cheek and his gaze was pointedly fixed anywhere but on Mike and it felt like the world was tilting him off his the ground and everything was so very different from how it had been five minutes ago when he’d been looking forward to seeing his boyfriend again.

Turning, Mike finally gave in to the desire to walk away. He wondered if Misha watched him go but he didn’t look back, couldn’t look back, and it kind of felt like he was leaving pieces of his heart in the wake of his departure.


Truthfully, Mike wasn’t all that surprised that Misha was waiting in front of his locker at lunch time. Though really, the double standard was a little maddening. Mike wondered if he was here because his friends from earlier had a different lunch, or maybe their lockers were in a different wing. Mike had this idea in his mind before that Misha was a practical joker but he was also brave, and he didn’t let stupid homophobic fears keep him from claiming what he wanted.

Now, he didn’t even look at the boy as he opened his locker and slipped his books inside.

“Mike,” Misha said softly, his tone quiet and hurt. “Please.”

Mike shot him a look and he was fairly certain Misha got the implied are you fucking kidding me?

“I just panicked okay? I didn’t mean too. Those guys are… they could kick both our asses alright? Admitting what we were, it was just too dangerous.”

Mike hadn’t cleared his iPad since that morning - like some type of sick reminder of how fast things could fall apart - so he turned it on and twisted it to Misha, raising his eyebrows as if he were bored and this was just an annoying thing to deal with.

Misha frowned and stepped back, rubbing once more at his cheek. “I’m really sorry.”

Turning the iPad back to him, Mike cleared the screen and wrote good before showing it to Misha and turning to walk off. Misha called out his name but Mike ignored him. It was just better this way. Sure it was a ridiculously short relationship but Mike felt he had the right to be crushed.

It was kind of worse that Mike wanted to take Misha back, immediately, but he wasn’t addressing that at the moment.

Part Five

mike/misha, spn_30snapshots, nano, slash

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