Wee, Fall TV is back. Yay!!
Heroes Premiere
Yawn. No, really YAWN. Apparently I am over this show. As soon as Matt got sent to Africa and Mohinder started playing Spiderman, I was out. Why is Maya still here? When she was the voice of reason to Mo, I knew we were in trouble. Speaking of trouble? Future, troubled Peter does nothing for me. Either Milo isn’t a good enough actor to pull off the character or the writing is shoddy. Either way I am vastly annoyed by his existence. However, Weevil as Peter has some pretty great potential. I will give them that. And, also ironically, even though Ali Larter’s character has always been one of my least favorite (two of my least favorite?) I do like her as The Ice Queen. I also hope Bruce B gets more airtime. I’ve loved him long time.
Let’s see what else annoyed me? Claire’s whining, the Ando/Hiro bromance hitting the rocks and Nathan’s religious conversion. Spare me. Thank God he’s pretty. I do like The Trickster, Sylar is still chewing the scenery which is always fun and Horn Rimmed Glasses man makes me happy with just his presence. Sigh. I will stick it out to see what HRG does and Matt, but Mohinder prepared to be FF’s through because there is not enough time in the world to put up with your crap. Oh, and let’s get Nathan naked pronto. That will help as well.
Ugly Betty Premiere
I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it either. Why do they have her do these incredibly stupid things and then expect us to find her a heroine worth rooting for? Taking an apartment sight unseen is so dumb I don’t know where to start. More Mark, More Amanda, More Wili and less of everyone else please.
Bones (to date)
So far this season I am really enjoying the B/B relationship. That said, I am still pissed about breaking up Jack and Angela. Can we take a moment to admire the perfection that is T.J Thyne? I don’t know what he is doing but last episode he was scorchin’ hot. Yowza. How can Angela ignore that? Sweets has no reason to be there and is a little whiny to boot. I loved him telling Jack he was good even when he hated everyone, but otherwise he has served his purpose and should leave. I liked the last intern and hope he comes back. And speaking of pretty, kudos to whoever lit and shot the scene where Bones “came onto” him. Emily looked gorgeous. I loved having Zack back, even though it was absurd. I miss him and loved the Jack interaction. Still escapist fun, and oh the pretty, pretty men.
Sarah Conner Chronicles (to date)
God, I love this show. When Sarah told the wife that she thought it would be easier because she thought she would be dead? Chills!! Absolute chills. I loved that moment! I love the character of Sarah and even though the young John is annoying, I love everyone else. BAG is hot (shocking, I know), I love the ex-fiancé and the new Terminator Executive has a really interesting plot going on that is keeping me involved. I was bummed to hear they probably won’t get a pick up past their first 13 (and this being Fox, they may not get that far is the rating really don’t improve), but I will certainly enjoy all the episodes that they do air.
Grey’s Premiere
I was reminded of the Godfather line: You think you’re out and they pull you back in. I was a little apathetic about the premiere and thought that last season had killed my affection for the show. It appears not. I LOVED Hunt (or Major Hottie as I guess we are calling him now.) I loved him despite the unfortunate facial hair and accent. Plus, Sandra Oh did some great work in her scenes with him. It is nice to see someone give her something to work against. Does anyone know if he is coming back? I need him to be in the show as a regular. Need, I tell you! Sloan continued to crack me up, Callica was cute, Lexie didn’t annoy, Meredith got told to shut up, Rose is gone and I like Izzie again. It’s a miracle!
However, I do think they cheated. I was not really emotionally invested again until the scene with Denny, when I burst into tears. That is totally not fair - reminding us of the wonderful, dead past. (But, Iz’s dress and hair looked…off. I know it was the same dress, but has the actress lost weight because it wasn’t hanging right. And the wig? Bad. Really, bad.) God, I loved Denny and that finale killed me. I cried for hours when he died. Ok, show. You want to make me care again? Fine, you got me. Just don’t suck. I am warning you.
The Office Premiere
Finally we get the proposal we wanted. Finally! I loved when Jim said he was going to get to know the new receptionist, become friends and fall in love with her. Ha. Holly (? - the new HR girl) is a great addition and I love her interactions with Michael. I adored Angela’s sneaking around with Dwight and actually felt a little sorry for poor Andy. An enjoyable hour, that didn’t stretch the plot so thin that it was painful as they had done last season with the long episodes. Welcome back my Office friends. I have missed you.
Supernatural (To date)
Sammy! Dean! Sammy! Dean! Hey, the boys are back. Dean is still bowlegged, but apparently a hot Angel saved him and now he has to stop the apocalypse. (He should totally talk to the Petrelli brothers or Hiro, because they have stopped, what? Like 3 so far!) Sammy has allied with Ruby in a hot (and even more nubile body) and now seems to be playing fast and loose with the rules. I am sure that won’t cause any kind of clash with his brother and his mission for God. Just as I am sure they won’t have Sam sleep with Ruby. (If they were going to bring her back, why not the same actress? What is the deal there?) Two very enjoyable shows and a really interesting season long premise. Besides, who doesn’t love a wrathful ghost pissed you didn’t save him? Or in this case Meg. She worked our boys over. Hee. Oh, and Bobby totally rocks, just in case anyone forgot!
Home to see Dexter and Chuck!!