Part two. I managed to not spoil myself, but I did look at the best and worst dressed pictures on a few of the sites. And I have to repeat after seeing it on two worst dressed lists, I liked Jenna's dress. She wore it very well.
Mmmm, Pierce Brosnan is yummy. But he still can't sing. Amanda Sigfried looked amazing. I saw her dress online today and she was so pretty.
Kate Beckensale is so pretty, why does she keep dressing so severely?
Why is David Duchovny going to go home to his son and Tea when they are separated? And why even talk about her at this point? I hope he isn't trying to worm his way back in, he looks awesome, but really somethings are just too much.
Tina Fey is hysterical. HFP action figures, indeed.
Gina Torres is still with her husband, and she looked so pretty. There was a brief flash of her kissing someone and even in silhouette I said, "Hey, that's Zoe."
Having Marty Scorsese give you an award and call you a visionary is one thing, but where is George Lucas? Weren't they tighter? In my mind they are always associated with each other, it is jarring to have him not even mentioned in the intro. Spielberg mentioned him in passing, but it still seems weird to me.
Danny Boyle wins best director. Does that make this movie unstoppable at the Oscars or what? I thought Howard had a pretty good chance. Or Fincher, but Benjamin Button is losing all steam and there are still 6 long weeks to go.
Sandra Bullock looks great. She has had some rough clothing choices, but seems to be doing better. I am so glad I managed not to spoil myself - COLIN WON!!!!!! Oh baby! And he looks positively clean. It just makes me want to do dirty things to him. And he has the soul of a poet as well. Ah, love. You can come over and whisper to me about love anytime you want.
Sasha Baron Cohen, or whatever your name is, how does it feel to bomb at the Globes? That was not a well received riff. Javiar Bardam looks like Jeffrey Dean Morgan in the Vicki, Christina clip. Hmm.
It does kill me a little to say this, but Tom Cruise looks really, really good. You know, for a gay little midget.
Do Cameron Diaz and Marky Mark even know each other? That was forced. Kate Winslet wins again and again hugs Leo before her husband. And then she made him cry by telling him how much she loves him. At least she threw in a mention of her husband.
Blake Lively's dress is horrible. And Christina Hendricks is putting the voom in Va Va Voom. Oh, January's is quite pretty as well. I am so glad Mad Men won again. Very deserving.
Mickey Rourke, can't say I am really surprised, but what the hell is he wearing? Boy, that is an excited audience.That was a heck of a cut in his speech, OK, two. What is he saying that they had to bleep so profoundly? Oh, now they discover they have music to play people off. Why didn't they figure that out 2 hours ago when Kate W wouldn't shut up?
Slumdog. That should seal their Oscar momentum.
I hope the Oscars take a few hints from this telecast and lay off the endless montages. Let people get up and have their say and don't show us scenes from every movie Paul Newman ever did. Really, I miss him too, but have some restraint.