Title: Ryusei yori Dango (Boys over shooting stars) Season 2
Author: Masuhisa
Pairing: Matsumiya, Ohmiya, Sakuraiba, one-sided Junma, slight one-sided Sakumiya
Summary: In the 1st season, we left of at Jun leaving for New York. Nino was offered a job as a chef for a renowned family in New York. So when the two meet after a year, what Matsumiya-ish stuff would happen?
Disclaimer: If I was older than Kitagawa, I would have gotten to them first!
Note: I don’t like writing OCs, so the other characters will just be Johnnys.
AN: This chapter may be kinda draggy, but this is where all the fun starts :D
Chapter 12:
“Care to explain what’s going on?” asked a blushing Nino as he burst into Jun’s room first thing in the morning.
Jun groggily opened his eyes and allowed them to adjust to the morning light. Jun would say he wasn’t a morning person, and would rather sleep in, but at the sight of Nino, Jun couldn’t help up sit up right and pay his fullest attention.
“It looks good on you,” said Jun, voicing his thoughts immediately.
Nino turned a deeper shade of red as he marched right up to Jun, “why do I have to dress like this?” demanded Nino, gestured Nino to the ridiculous maid outfit he was forced to wear and the wig on his head.
“We only hire female maids,” explained Jun.
Jun pushed the blankets off him and went over to the fruit bowl on the coffee table, grabbing an apple and taking a big bite out of it, “besides, no one else is going to see you,”
“Because you’ll be my personal maid,”
Nino couldn’t decide if he should be embarrassed or pissed, but he knew one thing, he wanted to punch Jun. So that’s what he did. Charging up to Jun, Nino threw his left fist at Jun with all his might. However, the latter was faster, and managed to grab hold of Nino’s wrist. Nino then raised his right hand and was about to hit Jun, but Jun seemed to have read his mind. With both hands held tightly, Nino was stuck in that position.
“Let go off me,” pouted Nino, lifting his right foot to step on Jun’s. But doing that only made Nino more unstable, allowing Jun to pull Nino into his embrace.
“What...what are you doing?!” asked Nino, not able to breathe at such close proximity to Jun. He wanted to sound fierce, but he ended up sounding more like a timid little mouse.
“Did I mention is love you?” asked Jun rhetorically, stroking Nino’s soft hair.
Still leaning on Jun’s shoulders, Nino nodded.
If Nishida hadn’t decided to show up then, Nino would be walking around with a limp for months.
The door opened and Nishida stepped into the room. Instinctively, Nino and Jun pulled apart.
“Jun-sama, Kaeda-sama wishes to see you in her office, now,”
‘Actually, Toma-kun stepped aside because he was concerned about that Ninomiya kid, right’ was the first thing Kaeda said to Jun the moment he stepped through the double doors of Kaeda’s office.
‘Or did you force him to do so’ was the second thing that was said to Jun.
“What if I say that was true?” challenged Jun.
Kaeda slammed the pencil she was holding onto the table top and glared at Jun, “Stop behaving so arrogantly!”
“I don’t care about anyone else but Nino,”
“Is that what you have to say as the next heir?”
“If you’re truly concerned about the Matsumoto Group, you shouldn’t be here talking about my love life,”
Kaeda stood up abruptly, anger written all over her face as she strutted up to Jun, “the deal with the Ikuta group was called off, what do you have to say now?”
“The deal with them doesn’t matter. I’m going to create a whole new Matsumoto Corporation, along with Nino, and we’re going to bring happiness to each and every person that works for us,”
With that said, Jun coolly walked out of the office, hands in coat pocket, smiling at his victory.
“So how did it go?” asked Nino, after swallowing his last spoonful of pasta.
“I don’t know,” replied Jun unworriedly.
“Don’t know?!” cried Nino, “So is it okay for us to be together?”
“What else can that old hag do?” smiled Jun, sipping his green tea.
A waiter answered Jun’s question.
“I’m sorry, sir,” began the waiter, “but your card can no longer be used,”
Jun threw his napkin on the table, his DoS side taking over. Grabbing the startled waiter by his collar, Jun growled, “That’s impossible, do you know who I am?!”
Not wanting any thing drastic to happen, Nino immediately rushed over to separate the two, “I’ll pay in cash!”
“Satoshi, the Matsumoto Group is in a really bad shape,”
“I know, Jun’s mum is going to do whatever it takes,”
“If they’re not careful, the ripple will spread all over the to unimaginable places, I just hope Jun realizes this,”
“I am going to sue that restaurant!!” snarled Jun as he and Nino made their way down the restaurant.
“Don’t be mad,” said Nino, amused at Jun’s reaction, “But, you rich people really don’t carry any cash, don’t you?”
Jun made a funny face as he squatted down in the elevator, “I can’t believe you had to pay for my meal! I’m so pathetic!”
The lift door slid open with a soft ‘ping’ sound. Jun and Nino got out and made a right turn to the exit, when they saw Nishida looking at them from the other side of the glass wall.
“What the hell are you doing in my room?” asked Jun expecting the worst, since Kaeda went to the trouble of sending Nishida to find him.
“I’m giving you one last chance,” replied Kaeda, staring blankly at the glass of wine in front of her.
“You gotta be kidding!” exclaimed Jun, walking briskly to the table Kaeda was sitting at, “What you’re doing is so petty!”
“Is that your final answer?” she asked, swirling the glass.
“She did that?!” exclaimed Nino as Ohno updated him of the situation.
He nodded.
“But how could she disinherit Jun?!”
“It’s true,” confirmed Ohno, “she really is serious,”
“So where is Jun now?”
“He’s staying with Sho,” said Ohno, suddenly turning from sleepy to serious, “but that’s not the point. Their deal with the Ikuta Group has been called off, thing are going to be pretty bad,”
AN: Hopefully this chapter wasn't a bore. But either ways, please do the survey at the bottom of this.
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