Nov 04, 2010 14:41
Title: Enticement
Author: Masuhisa
Pairing: Matsumiya
Summary: Nino is a private investigator who flirts with disloyal husbands giving spouses ground for divorce
Disclaimer: Oh seriously, the sun rising from the west has a better chance of happening than this.
Chapter 8:
“…Masaki…” moaned Sho.
“…Sho…” whined Aiba.
The taller man pulled away, and with an idiotic grin on his face, he said, “Gosh, we haven’t made out like this since when? This morning?”
Sho could only smile, “I’m so glad you suggested this,”
Aiba’s grin turned into a frown, “Me? You were the one who sent me that message!”
“No, you were the one who sent me that message!” retorted Sho, sitting up from the couch while pushing Aiba off him, “unless…”
Just then, a snigger was heard, coming from the direction of a nearby cupboard, together with a smack sound. Giving the other an ‘oh shit’ face, Sho and Aiba jumped off the couch and flew towards the cupboard.
Flinging the cupboard doors open, Aiba’s and Sho’s jaws dropped in a mixture of horror and surprise as they saw Nino and Jun crouching at the bottom of the cupboard, a video camera in Nino’s hands.
“You guys set this up, didn’t you?” cried Sho, flailing like crazy as he realized what Nino and Jun had recorded.
Scrambling to get out of the stuffy cupboard where they had been hiding in for the last hour, Nino gave Jun an annoyed look. It was Jun’s snigger which let the cat out of the bag.
“Now we’re even,” said Jun, calmly combing his hair with his fingers.
But that didn’t stop Sho’s panic meter from shooting sky high, “Please, delete that video!” begged Sho, grabbing Nino’s arm and shaking him like mad, “Aiba deleted yours!”
Nino gave Jun a depressed look. They had their fun, and Nino was pretty sure Ohno would want them to delete the video. It was only fair this way.
Sighing, Nino went into his camera’s memory mode, and sadly pressed the delete button, “There, are you happy now?” Sho nodded, giving Nino a big hug, missing the scowl on Aiba’s and Jun’s face.
Suddenly, Jun remembered something, “Aiba, you did delete that video, didn’t you?” he asked. Knowing Aiba, he’ll probably keep that video for his personal enjoyment and for embarrassing him.
Aiba’s expression can be described as partly sheepish and mostly miserable. Sheepish because he didn’t follow Ohno’s orders, and miserable because he knew he had to delete it.
“Fine!” cried Aiba, sauntering over to his bag to retrieve his camera.
But the worst had yet to come.
Jun’s and Nino’s panic meter shot towards…let’s say Jupiter…as they watched Aiba frantically digging through his bag, looking for the device.
“Aiba, you do have the camera right?” asked Nino anxiously.
Aiba drooped his head as he realized he was holding his empty bag, its contents all over the floor, but the camera no where in sight.
But Sho just had to make things worse for the Matsumiya pair, “Aiba, you didn’t leave it at the Ferris wheel we were on this morning, did you?”
Aiba’s expression said everything.
So that was how Jun found himself buried in a sea of nosey reporters, each shoving a microphone and one of those giant video cameras used in the media industry in his face, demanding to know ‘what that video was all about’.
“Is this your way of telling your fans you’re back in business?”
“Is that guy really your band’s song writer?”
“Who came up with this publicity stunt?”
Jun growled as he was pushed further and further back from the band’s bus. It was right there in front of him, just a few more meters and he would reach the bus where he would be safe from that swarm of reporters.
‘Curse you Aiba’ was the only thing on his mind, apart from getting to the bus. Thanks to that honey-haired idiot, the video of him and Nino in bed together had been posted onto the internet where everybody, I repeat, everybody, could witness it.
Oh if only he could grab Aiba and throw him off Tokyo Tower!
Jun glanced longingly at the bus as he was pushed further back again, the reporters desperately preventing him from reaching the bus. He wished Leader would use his fishing skills and reeled him in or something.
How Jun managed to get onto the bus, he himself couldn’t even remember. All he could recall was shoving a few reporters aside and probably breaking a few microphones.
Once on board, Jun went straight to his bunk (let me remind you that Jun’s bunk is above Nino’s), using every single bit of self-control he had to not lay his hands on Aiba. As he was about to climb onto his bunk, he caught sight of Nino on his respective bunk, curled up into a tight ball.
He didn’t need to be a mind reader to tell that Nino was feeling extremely frustrated about the situation.
As quickly as he could, Nino strode to the lifts, pressed the button and prayed that the lift would arrive before anybody recognized him.
It’s been hours since they reached their hotel in Osaka, but Nino’s been told to wait on the bus as they went in first, so any reporters won’t get any footage of them together.
A soft ‘ping’ sound was heard and the lift doors slid open. Feeling saved, Nino got into the lift and desperately pressed the ‘close’ button. Just as he was about to sigh in relief while leaning against the wall, a man in a black coat scraped past the closing lift doors.
“Oh great!” thought Nino, trying to hide his face from the other guy by looking at the wall.
The walls of the lift were made of metal, so even if Nino wasn’t looking directly at the other man, he could notice that the man’s face was masked.
And he had a knife in his hand.
Spinning around in the blink of an eye, Nino managed to dodge the knife. His eyes widened in fright as he saw the masked man getting ready to strike again. The lift was so small and he had nowhere to run. To add to his plight, the lift had another ten floors to ascend before reaching his floor.
Nino ducked a second time as the knife was thrust his way. This time, he wasn’t so lucky and the blade ripped his jacket and made quite a deep cut on his abdomen. Nino hissed in pain, pressing his hand to his side. Tears started forming thanks to the stinging pain, blurring his vision.
He saw the man, which now looked like a shadow to him, lift his knife once more, ready to deliver the final strike. Nino didn’t know what happened, but his hands automatically shot up and grabbed the man’s hands before the knife could land on him.
As both men struggled to gain control of the knife, the lift continued to ascend. Three more floors before the lift doors would open. Nino prayed he would last until then.
Luck was on his side as the lift door slid open, but not before Nino was overpowered by the man who managed to cut his arm.
Ignoring the pain, Nino sped out of the door, running down the first corridor he came across, the masked man at his heels. The doors along the corridor blended to become one whole mash of color as Nino ran, not caring where he was going as long as he lost the guy who was trying to kill him.
He was fast reaching the end of the corridor, hopefully he could lose that man at the corner. With every cell in him (with the exception of his leg muscles as they were too busy) praying that the man would lose sight of him at the bend, Nino made a sharp turn.
And crashed into someone.
Both of them fell flat onto the ground with a loud thud and two ‘ouch’.
Nino focused his eyes and saw, right there in front of him, right there below him, Jun. Casting his embarrassment aside, Nino hastily pulled Jun off the floor and dragged him along.
“What’s going on?” cried Jun as Nino pulled him down the corridor.
“There’s some nutter trying to kill me with a knife!” Nino yelled back
Jun looked over his shoulder, but all he saw was an empty corridor. He rolled his eyes and stopped running, wanting to tell Nino off for playing such a stupid prank. But he stopped almost instantly when he saw the cut on Nino’s stomach and arm.
“Nino, whoever he is, he stopped chasing you,” said Jun, restraining Nino as he tried to run off.
Nino looked over Jun’s shoulder and saw an empty corridor. It was as if that guy who tried to kill him seconds ago had disappeared faster than a lightning bolt would have streaked across the sky.
“Right now, you need to get that wound of yours seen to,” said Jun. Now it was his turn to drag Nino along the corridor.
Nino froze. Déjà vu.
The last time he was attacked, most probably by the same guy, Jun was the one who rescued him. Jun was also the one was insisted that Nino bandage up his wounds. So if this time was like the last…
“I’ll be fine,” said Nino, squirming to get out of Jun’s grasp.
“No you’re not,” replied Jun, trying to use their height difference to stare Nino down. But upon seeing the apprehensive look on Nino’s face, Jun hastily added, “I’ll get Sho to tend to your wound,”
The pair arrived at Sho’s room after walking in silence for a few minutes, and Jun was starting to regret asking Sho. If he was smarter, he would have asked Ohno, or if he was really desperate, Aiba. At least they won’t go into extreme panic mode and start asking a bunch of questions at the speed of lightning.
“Who did this to you? You should have come to me sooner? Does it hurt? Have you told the police? Did you get a good look of that guy’s face…”
Nino couldn’t suppress his urge to roll his eyes, “I don’t know, probably the same guy who tried to run me over while we were still at Tokyo,”
“Someone tried to run you over in Tokyo?!” shrieked Sho.
Nino wished he knew better than to tell Sho.
As Sho attended to Nino’s cuts, Jun was leaning against the wall deep in thought. This was the second time someone tried to kill Nino, and it’s definitely not the last. It wouldn’t be safe for Nino to travel on the tour with them, since anybody could easily know their whereabouts from their tour schedule. They couldn’t get the help of the police either since they had no clue who that guy was, and it would be really troublesome. But one thing is for sure: Nino would definitely be better off if he didn’t follow them around. He could always get him kicked off the tour by telling Leader that Nino’s a private investigator.
“Jun?” called Sho, seeing the bassist deep in thought, “What are you thinking about?”
“Nothing,” replied Jun, refusing to look at Nino, “I need to tell Leader something,” With that said, Jun walked out of the room.
Note: Tiny bit of Sakuraiba :) I know it's a pretty annoying cliif Nino going to be kicked off the tour or not? And as for who's after Nino's life...i'm think i know you're guessing. Either ways, thanks for reading. Comments/ critics are welcome :) (i'm starting to realise Ohno doesnt appear much in this)