So my period did this funny thing where it
1. Came early.
2. Gave me mild cramps. and
3. I'm PMSing now, instead of the week before.
I suppose if I had to do 1 and 3 for 2, I'd take it. It was actually tolerable. A bit uncomfortable but I didn't have to take any medication. That hasn't happened in like.. a year and a half. No joke! And speaking off I've become pretty text book the last couple years. Really pisses me off. 28 days. I miss my 30, 32. Although I guess the last two years it bounced between the two. Ah well. Periods are such a bother.
In other news in a random chain of events I got whirlwinded into moving into a new place to stay. Kim volunteered to help me pack to move to my brothers. We briefly stopped at her house to see my cloak her husband, Mike was making me and was just finishing up for me. Well he started asking about me moving and then asked why I didn't just move there. Turned out he was serious ( Or maybe he just ended up sticking his foot in his mouth ) and then things changed. And its going to be much better for me I think. My brother's house is apparantly an warzone. Its kind of a long story but I should of said something. But at the same time I think people should make their own mistakes. I didn't think them getting married was an awesome thing. Like I mean I was happy for him, but it was hard for me to be excited. Because I saw them fight. I just saw bad things. Eitherway I've seen them fight recently. Still the same. I definately was not thrilled when they announced she was pregnant with my Nephew. And I mean I love my nephew, but no one should get pregnant until you've been married for at least a year. Ah well, I hope he makes the best of what is going to happen. He keeps talking of his future divorce. Neither of them want to pull the trigger though. Fuck just do it. He's miserable. I want him to be happy.
I would of been a lot happier the other day if I just didn't know where anyone was. Tom and Steve werent online, or really answering my messages/texts. Which just put me in whatever mode, thats fine. Until Chris fucking tweets that everyone is at his house. Which means only one thing. I cry everytime I find out. Everytime. Assholes. Maybe if it happens enough I'll just get over it. I'll still always be sore about it though.
And here's what gets me. If I wrote off everyone that smoked weed, or even did drugs, I would have barely anyone. No Misty, Chris, Sean. My brother, Tom, or Steve. I wish I could figure out what my biggest deal is. I've always determined the fact it worries me to death that if anything happened and any of them needed to get a drug test for work, they'd be effed in the a. And its just something thats easily avoidable. Just don't. It's pretty fucking nice to know that if I ever get suprise attacked, or if I go out job hunting I don't need to stop any of my behaviors prior to getting said job. I can continue on my normal business. Just stupid to me on that account. I don't give a fuck how "safe" it is compared to smoking cigarettes, which they all still do. Whatever.
Hm. Started off fun, getting a touch more serious me thinks. And then again not serious like how you might thing but still? Depends on how you look at it. I'm kinda conflicted at the moment. Like when we set up the rules we both agreed we didn't want to have sex with anyone we weren't in a relationship with. And I personally still kind of feel that way. Not to mention all that says to me is he'll probably just say what he needs to say. I've also had two people tell me it'll just be a "hump and dump" scenario. Which that would make me sad. And this whole thing with James made me realize that I value my friendships so much. And if he were to do that to me, things would not be able to be cool. This friends with benefits would not work out. Because someone wasn't telling the truth really. I wouldn't be able to hang out with the whole group for a while. I mean I'd probably still have Tom and thats cool I love Tom but the whole situation could just be avoided ya know?
thepinkfluhmingO (1:41:02 PM): We have make out and have fun but probably not get completely rowdy.
thepinkfluhmingO (1:41:41 PM): I don't want to do that unless its someone I'm in a relationship with.
thepinkfluhmingO (1:41:58 PM): And it kinda makes me sad, sex is fun. But at the same time I need to have some sort of restraint lol
him (1:42:21 PM): ha im actually glad u told me that
him (1:42:32 PM): cuz i feel the same way
thepinkfluhmingO (1:42:48 PM): We can do everything else though lol idc.
him (1:43:14 PM): im a guy so u prolly think im lying but im not lol
At the same time it was probably something I instigated. And thats my bad. I'll have to answer for it but its best I really do put my foot down here. But at the same time I said I'm conflicted. Steve is like outrageously hot and I would love to sleep with that. And maybe he has a decent personality too ha ha ha. I like a little bit more then just his body enough to merit getting naked. Regardless blow joys are in his future :) "He deserves it on principle alone." Maybe I didn't make myself clear now that I read it. Weird. I do not hook up!
In other news, I start at Utica on Monday. All closing shifts my first week lol. And then when I was falling asleep last night I realized I was working the weekend I needed off but Shaun said it wouldn't be a big deal to adjust it. Awesome. :) Yeah the weekend of the 21st is going to crazy.
Dell came out today. They sent the wrong part and then it took him 20 minutes to get through to the person on the phone what kind of part he needed sent. Apparantly I need a new motherboard and whatnot still. Fantastic. And the Tech also informed me I need to have a tech out around *7* times before they will give me a new computer. Fucking bullshit. Should of got a fucking mac. Mother fucker. God save the customer that probes deeper into my Dell. Cause I will let them know. I'm sorry I'll mention I probably got a lemon but their customer service is like bullshit. And foreign.
I'm also getting the window on my car fixed. Hurrah! My Aunt is claiming it on the home owners insurance. The claim was already filed and they already called me and said they were covering 100% of it. So I just need to get in touch with the claims adjuster and all is good. So excited. Thats more money for me. Ha ha ha.
Oh oh and more money? Making more money is awesome. And working at geeksquad I definately will have more monies! And I'll be able to do the nice things. Save money AND get my hair done on a regular basis AND get my nails done. Kimmie says when she starts working at Best Buy and has money again we'll go get our nails done :) very exciting. My hands will finally be pretty, and everyone will get lots of back scratches and head rubs. Cause I know it feels good!