So yeah today was one of the hectic get the whole family together kindda days. We went to the beach and i took some PICTURES! Check em' out!
My Mom, Dad, 3 sisters, and dog at Golden Gardens chowing down.
My dog Vinny. Hes really crazy. He has seperation anxiety and doesnt like when people get close to us. WHAT A FREAK!!!!!!!!
We got to eat McDonalds today, which is a VERY rare occasion! I got the new "all white mean nuggets" that scares me because now i wonder, what were they before!?
LULU! Shes so freakin cute!
Haha sophie looks cute in this pic!
So yeah thats all my corny pics. We are gonna go to the 9:45 showing of Harry Potter today. That should be FUN! Yay!
Well thats it. I cant believe i actually got my self to post the pictures the SAME DAY THEY WERE TAKEN. :)