Now that Health Care has been passed, and will become law, I am curious as to what provisions exactly people on the right take issue with
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The problem is that they object to government in their lives and how DARE you question their RIGHT to object... Gods forbid that such questioning might lead them to so closely examine their talking point objections.
Besides, you failed to address how the bill is going to kill grandma and take money away from Medicare and interfere with their doctor's decisions... If you didn't see that in there, then CLEARLY you didn't read it closely enough, but Glen Beck did!
Nevermind that you also hate freedom. And probably puppies.
My only objection is similar to yours. No public option. There will be people who will be priced out. There will be people that are taken advantage of to make the profit. But it passed. This is something. This is good.
I discussed this bill over the weekend with a Republican.
I mentioned that I thought Jesus would want me to support the bill. I cited the Good Samaritan parable, and the whole "love thy neighbor" thing. Jesus probably wouldn't want us to let them die in ditches of perfectly curable diseases.
He shut up.
Then I felt bad for using his own over-generalized Bible-thumping tactics against him. Ah, well.
One of the many funny, sad and ironic things is that a dozen state's Attorneys General are suing on the basis of the alleged un-Constitutionality of the individual mandate. Robert Seagal of NPR pointed out to the Virginia AG that if the bill was single-payer instead, there would be no basis for his lawsuit and, in fact, he was suing against the private, market-based solution that conservatives claim to champion. The Virginia AG made no reply to the question and changed the subject.
Comments 4
Besides, you failed to address how the bill is going to kill grandma and take money away from Medicare and interfere with their doctor's decisions... If you didn't see that in there, then CLEARLY you didn't read it closely enough, but Glen Beck did!
Nevermind that you also hate freedom. And probably puppies.
I mentioned that I thought Jesus would want me to support the bill. I cited the Good Samaritan parable, and the whole "love thy neighbor" thing. Jesus probably wouldn't want us to let them die in ditches of perfectly curable diseases.
He shut up.
Then I felt bad for using his own over-generalized Bible-thumping tactics against him. Ah, well.
Are you proud?
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