[Player Contact]
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Name: Greed
Age: Somewhere in the triple digits.
Height: According to Dream Carnival, just a little taller than Scar, so about 6'4''
Weight: Middleweight/Super middleweight (165-175lbs)
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Brown
Appearance: Male somewhere in his mid twenties to mid thirties. Well built. As a potential middleweight at 6'4'', he'd be the Williams and Caballero of the middle division. Naturally dark complexion. Fancies tight clothing that won't catch on too much, and leather. Not remotely shy about his figure. His shirt has some
red lines are also on the skin beneath. Don't think too much about how perfectly they align or how his shirt never seems to ride up or wrinkle. Believes in wearing sunglasses even in dark basements.
Transportation: Currently owns two motorcycles. One from Bella and one from Prussia. Only, Amestris's transportation method of choice is steam engine, so without a steady fuel supply, he doesn't use them often. He's wrecked the first one from Bella several times learning how to ride it and learning the rules of traffic. The Devil's Nest also owns a chimera powered wooden canoe. Low techs at the wheel here, folks.
Easiest way to get on his good side: Be a busty, attractive, easy female looking for a good time and no attachments. For males, be a drinking buddy, especially one on his side in a bar fight, and he'll pretty much instantly think you're his personal entertainment entourage. He endears himself entirely too quickly to people who share in his lifestyle. Otherwise, he likes most people, even people who are jerkish. Being greedy, he sees something to want in just about anyone. He likes intelligent, confident, ambitious people, though someone with the wrong combination of those traits might just remind him a little much of Dante. Someone with only two out of three of those traits will probably just annoy him and be kept at arm's length. He's pretty trusting in general, but a big chunk of that is from his perceived invulnerability, should he turn out to be tricked. Follow his lead or just let him indulge his sense of humor at your expense and he'll like you, even if he might not exactly respect you. Getting deeper than that is a little harder, but that's the case for anyone. It's not that he's particularly guarded, he's just not the type who really looks for anything deep with most people.... consciously.
Easiest way to get on his bad side: Disrespect. He's a mob boss. Gangs and mobs run on respect and money. He's fine with someone being outright vulgar or insulting, but taking his good moods and humor for granted and underestimating him is too much. This includes messing with anyone he's protective towards, mentally or physically. You can call him every name in the book as long as you show awareness of what he (thinks he) could do in retaliation. Likewise, all kinds of lies are fine as long as it's not a lie trying to get anything over on him specifically. He doesn't flaunt his Homunculus abilities, but is under the impression that just by being Greed he should command a certain level of respect. There's a very specific honor code in place, and he'd be more chuffed by someone failing to understand it than he would by someone else just not following it themselves. Taking advantage of that honor code or even unintentionally putting him in a position to compromise it will get you on his bad side quickly. Unless you understand his elaborate sense of style and propriety, he's just going to seem moody and fickle once you've offended him. Given that his idea of respect is warped and easy to accidentally offend, it would be fair to say he really IS just moody.
Abilities: He can transform his skin into an unnamed, impenetrable carbon substance. Steel blades and metal fists to the face don't a thing. He's got strength enough to crush rock-fists and constrictive stone barriers with ease and can jump up to tree limbs a clear two times his height. He'll regenerate from any injury, though a severe enough one such as lopping his head off will cost him one of an unspecified but finite amount of lives. He's quick and quite good at dodging, if he can dodge even Izumi's attacks for so long without breaking a sweat. All of the Homunculi seem to have impressive pain tolerance.
Drawbacks: He doesn't utilize his full shield form very often, despite the obvious benefits. That's two thirds ego, one third a sense of fair play. He can shield any one specific body part quickly enough it usually doesn't matter, but he's possible to surprise. He has a tendency to wait until his enemies get up to continue attacking in the anime and prefers to avoid hurting girls if remotely possible; his "fair" play is occasionally enough to be a legitimate drawback despite everything. A big enough impact would still knock him around, he can be thrown, he's not immune to fire or temperature attacks, and he doesn't have any special combat ability beyond experience and heightened base stats (strength, speed). His stamina is high given an active lifestyle, but within human limits. He can and does still get winded, and even with a high pain tolerance he still feels it and will get psychologically worn down by the stress eventually. He's usually rational and mellow, but once a fight breaks out, he's impulsive and gives in to provocation.
Thread Hopping/Back Tagging: Go for it. I am your personal tagwhore.
Notes for the Psychics: Just let me know if you're playing a psychic and I'll provide relevant information accordingly.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Anything's fine. I am not remotely sensitive.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/slash/etc?: If your character's capable, go for it.
Maim/Murder/Death: He'll recover from any physical damage or dismemberment, so if you need someone to do a bloody, messy scene with, hit me up. I'd kind of prefer to not kill him off permanently (...thus why he's been alive for a year now when his canon live time only goes for four months), but unless we get Dante or someone from his world with sudden access to his remains, I don't see that happening.
Kissing/Hugging/Badtouch: Psssht. It's Greed. Go for it. He'll probably beat you to the punch. Please feel free to turn him down quite forcefully if he attempts on you; see above comment on maim/murder.