Uhm, there's someone new in the office? I think, I haven't seen them around too much as yet.
So. Materia. I think if we can find a way to splice materia into people (yeah, I know, it's already being discussed) we can do more than just have omg superpowered soldiers.
What if we could use their energy like mako? One general could power the platoon's equipment? Maybe that's a retarded idea, though.
But it comes from Mako, so it could act like mako, could it not? Could we instead make materia into some sort of alternate life force, food, energy source, healing magic, and all around tool of the people? I know you can combine them to make stronger materia. Could we not eventually cease to need organic materials for both personal and city energy, and instead rely upon stronger and stronger materia to keep us alive?
Could we then eventually become immortal, materia keeping us alive? I want to start writing all this down, because there could be something useful in there.