I had a wonderful holiday. One filled with love, cheer, and joy. I skied, cooked, read, photographed, discussed, watched, and, of course, ate my way through almost two weeks
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As is my wont, I was surfing around my friends' blogs/sites, and I found a bit on Google Whacking. It's like Google Bombing, but different. In this one, you search for two words -- no quotes, cheaters! -- and try and get but a single hit in the 8 billion pages indexed by Google
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No, I'm not Samwise returning to Bag End -- though Switzerland is quite pastoral; I'm just little old me back at CERN -- the X33 is out for repairs, so I had to get here the old-fashioned way: by 747. ( Of shoes and ships and sealing wax )
When graduate students began working for experimental groups -- many many moons ago, when science was yet in its infancy -- laws were set down to ensure that they functioned properly in the context of the project -- whether they were working on hardware, software, dropping objects off towers, or anything else their advisor devised (see: Second Law
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As I am in Test-Prep, this entry will be in standardized test form. Be sure to fill in all answers on your answer sheet, any answers on the test itself will NOT be graded. Be sure your answers are fully shaded with a No. 2 pencil, and that there are no marks outside the ovals. If you have to change an answer, be sure to erase your previous answer
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If you're wondering just where I went to get from the train station to the World Games on Friday -- I know I was -- I traced my route here. A total of 3.5k, schlepped in a suit while carrying two backpacks. The things I do. While depressing on one hand, it does solve the mystery of how a supposedly 7.5 hour trip turned into a 9 hour one
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